
The Choyo group includes:

    • Zhaba

    • Choyo cluster

      • Choyo

      • Lhagang Choyo

Choyo forms a linkage with Guiqiong to the north and Minyak to the south, sharing similarities with both Rma (Qiang) in the north and Ersuic in the south.


Prins, Marielle and Yasuhiko Nagano (eds.). 2013. rGyalrongic Languages Database.

Suzuki, Hiroyuki and Sonam Wangmo. 2016. “Lhagang Choyu: A first look at its sociolinguistic status”. Studies in Asian Geolinguistics II: Rice. pp.60–69.

Suzuki, Hiroyuki and Sonam Wangmo. 2018. “Lhagang Choyu wordlist with the Thamkhas dialect of Minyag Rabgang Khams (Lhagang, Khams Minyag)”. Asian and African Languages and Linguistics 12. pp.133–160.