
UCSF Chimeraという分子構造可視化ソフトを使い、タンパク質の構造を表示させる方法を示す。




  1. pdbファイルの取得
  2. サブユニットの色付けと向きの調整、基質の表示
  3. betaとgammaサブユニットのみの表示
  4. beta上でSNPによるアミノ酸置換が起こる位置
  5. 4の状態を回転して表示



#This scripts creats a movie that shows SNP positions in the beta subunit of F1-ATPase

#Fetch a pdb file

open 1e79

#Set window size

windowsize 600 480

#Show the model in interactive 1 mode

preset apply int 1

#Show objects bound to ATP synthase in ball and stick model

represent bs ligand

#Delete epsilon and delta subunit

delete :.h :.i

#display alpha, beta and gamma in different color. @ca means backbone carbon.

color cyan :.d@ca :.e@ca :.f@ca

color green :.g

color purple :.a@ca :.b@ca :.c@ca

#Rotate ATP synthase counterclockwise so that the gamma subunit becomes verticle

roll z 1 90; wait

#Bring the protein to center and rescale


#Rotate ATP synthase from left to right

roll y 1 70;wait

wait 25

#Remove all chains except g and f, which is beta(TP)

delete :.a :.b :.c

wait 50

delete :.e :.d

wait 50

wait 25

#render ATP surgace

surf ligand

wait 50

#Select SNPs and show them as pink spheres

show :4.F,12.F,58.F,84.F,224.f,265.f,443.f,472.f

represent sphere :4.F,12.F,58.F,84.F,224.f,265.f,443.f,472.f

color hot pink :4.f :12.f :58.f :84.f :224.f :265.f :443.f :472.f

#Bring beta and gamma to center


wait 25

#display residue numbers

rlabel :4.F,12.F,58.F,84.F,224.F,265.F,443.F,472.F

wait 25

#Rotate gamma and beta_TP to show SNP positions

roll y 1 720;wait


動画を作成するときは、動画にしたい部分をmovie recordとmovie stopのコマンドではさみ込むと良い。

# start capturing frames, in .png format

movie record fformat png

<a series of action>

# stop recording frames

movie stop

# write status information to reply log

movie status

# encode a movie in mp4 format from recorded frames

movie encode mformat mp4 output C:\Users\xxxx\yyyyy.mp4

#xxx is a folder name and yyyy is a file name. Make sure to have a folder named xxxx before you make a movie.


movieコマンで作ることができる動画の容量に制限がある模様。例えば、上記のF1の動画作成のスクリプトも一度に全行程の動画を作ることができない。細切れの動画を作成し、それをWindows Movie Makerで結合する必要があった。