Katsuya Shimabukuro

Ph.D (Life Science>Biopysics)

Associate Professor

Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering,
National Institute of Technology, Ube College

1-14-1 Tokiwadai, Ube, Yamaguchi, Japan 755-8555

email : kshimabu (at) ube-k.ac.jp


  • Mar. 2004, Tokyo Institute of Technology Ph. D

  • Mar. 1999, Tokyo institute of Technology, finished within three years


  • Apr. 2012 - present, Associate Professor@NIT Ube college

  • Apr. 2011 - Mar. 2012, Scientist@Japan Mirai-Kan

  • Jul 2005 - Mar. 2011, Postdoctral Researcher@Florida State Universityts, Tallahassee FL

  • Apr. 2004 - Mar. 2005, Scientist@Tokyo Tech.


  • Feb. 2021, 18th Onkyo World Braille Writing Contest, Excellence Award

  • Dec. 2019, 54th NHK Disability Welfare Grand Prize, Honorable Mention

  • Jun. 2019, Shimonoseki toastmasters Best Table Topic Speaker Award

  • Feb. 2019 isee! "Working Awards" MIP Award

  • Sep. 2018 Japan Biophysical Society, Biophysics and Physicobiology Editors' Choice Award

  • Sep. 2012年 Japan Biophysical Society, Young Scientist Award

  • Dec. 2009, American Society of Cell Biology, Postdoctoral Travel Award

  • May 1996, Sanpei Fellowship


    • Oct. 2020 - present, Biophysical Society of Japan, Website Editorial Board Member (Accessibility)

    • Apr. 2019 - present, Ube City Federation of Physical Disability Organizations, Board Member

    • Apr. 2019 - present, Ube City Welfare Association for the Visually Impaired, Secretary (2019-)

    • Jun. 2019 - present, Patient Representative, Yamaguchi Low Vision Study Group

    • July 2014 - Mar. 2020, Councilor, Japan Retinitis Pigmentosa Society

    • Apr. 2014 - Mar. 2020, Director, Japan Retinitis Pigmentosa Society, Wings (Research Promotion Committee)
