Biocatalysis 2023

updated on Apr. 7, 2023


Before taking this lecture, you neet to 

What are you gonig to do?

Create a move (or movies) that shows how amino acids within an enzyme play important roles during catalytic reactions in life. 

To get a feeling of a movie you will make,  please watch a series of videos madeby alumni.  

Image gallery as well as Animation gallery provided on the UCSF Chimera website will help you a lot to figure out how to create a movie.

Useful Links

Las, but not least. Why English?

Well, it is a good question. It is always a nice idea to take, at least,  one lecture taught in English as you are most likely to encounter a stituation where you need to use English.  This lecture will be a good practice for you!  Do not worry too much.  I use English, but you can still ask questions in Japanese.