

50. From VOA extensions to subfactors. Operator Algebras and Mathematical Physics (Yasu Festa 60). Tokyo, July 2023. Slides. Video.

49. Local energy bounds and strong locality for chiral conformal fields. Emmy Noether Seminar. University of Leipzig (online), March 2022.  Slides.

48.  The mathematics of conformal (quantum) field theory: vertex operator algebras and conformal nets.  "Giornata di Dipartimento 2021",  Department of Mathematics, University of Rome "Tor Vergata",  December 2021.

47.  From W_3-algebras to conformal nets.  Subfactors, vertex operator algebras and tensor categories ,  Hangzhou  (online), September 2021. Video.

46. Conformal nets from positive energy representations of the Zamolodchikov W3 algebra with central charge greater than or equal to two.  Tokyo-Kyoto Joint Online Operator Algebra SeminarsFebruary 2021.

45. Weak quasi-Hopf algebras, vertex operator algebras and conformal nets. Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar, Department of Mathematics, University of Rome "Tor Vergata" (online), March 2020.

44. Unitary positive energy representations of the W_3 algebra with central charge above two. AQFTUK, Lancaster, February 2020.

43. Unitary W_3 algebras beyond rationality. Beyond rationality ∞, Zeist, December 2019.

42. The Dirichlet problem, operator algebras and a Keldych-type theorem.  Operator algebras in quantum field theory and quantum probability, Rome, December 2019.

41. Weak quasi-Hopf algebras, VOAs and conformal nets. Subfactors and applications, Oberwolfach, October 2019.

40. Weak quasi-Hopf algebras and vertex operator algebras. Representation theory XVI (Vertex Algebra Section), Dubrovnik, June 2019. 

39. Weak quasi-Hopf algebras, unitary fusion categories and conformal field theory. Program seminar: Operator algebras and quantum physics, Stony Brook, June 2019. Video

38. From vertex operator algebras to von  Neumann algebras. Vertex algebras and infinite-dimensional Lie algebras, Split, November 2018.

37. AQFT and VOAs. Physics and Mathematics of Quantum Field Theory, Banff, July-August 2018. Video.

36. Weak quasi-Hopf algebras and conformal field theory. AQFT: Where Operator Algebra meets Microlocal Analysis, Cortona, June 2018.

35. Local conformal nets and vertex operators. Quantum Physics meets Mathematics, Hamburg, December 2017.

34. Conformal nets, VOAs and their representations. Subfactors, K-Theory and Conformal Field Theory, Cambridge, June 2017. Video.  

33. - Conformal nets and vertex operator algebras. DPG Spring Meeting 2017 (session: MP10 - Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, Quantum Field Theory II), Bremen, March 2017

32. From VOA modules to representations of conformal nets. Subfactors and Mathematical Physics, Sanya, December 2016. 

31.  Representations of conformal nets and vertex operator algebra modules. Recent Mathematical Developments in Quantum Field Theory, Oberwolfach, July 2016.

30. Loop groups, noncommutative geometry and conformal nets. Operator Algebras and Quantum Field Theory, Frascati, June 2016.

29. Spectral triples from positive-energy representations of loop groups. 11th French-Italian Meeting on Spectral Triples in Noncommutative Geometry, Varese, May 2016. Slides. Video.

28. Loop groups, K-theory and noncommutative geometry. Representation Theory Seminar , Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford, April 2016.

27. Loop groups and noncommutative geometry. Seminari di Algebre di Operatori,  Department of Mathematics, University of Rome "Tor Vergata", February 2016.

26. Operator algebras and vertex operator algebras.  14th Marcel Grossmann Meeting (session: Operator Algebras and Quantum Field Theory), Rome, July 2015. 

25. Vertex operator algebras and operator algebras. Advances in Noncommutative Geometry, Paris, April 2015.

24. From vertex operator algebras to conformal nets and back. Subfactors and conformal field theory, Oberwolfach, March 2015. Slides

23. Representations of conformal nets and noncommutative geometry.

Noncommutative Geometry and Applications, Frascati, June 2014. Slides

22. Conformal nets, supersymmetry and noncommutative geometry. Kavli IPMU-FMSP Workshop Supersymmetry in Physics and Mathematics, Kashiwa, March 2014.

21. Conformal nets and noncommutative geometry. Mathematics and Quantum Physics, Roma, July 2013. Slides

20. Operator algebras, conformal field theory and noncommutative geometry. Staff colloquium, Department of Mathematics, Utrecht University, June 2013.

19. Representations of Virasoro nets. Seminar on algebraic quantum field theory, Department of Mathematics, Utrecht University, June 2013.

18. Representations of conformal nets and K-theory. Noncommutative Geometry and applications to Physics, Milano, December 2012. Slides

17. Conformal nets and K-theory. New Trends in Algebraic Quantum Field Theory, Frascati, September 2012.

16. Operator algebras and the characters of the discrete series of N=2 super-Virasoro algebra representations. Conference on von Neumann Algebras and Related Topics, Kyoto, January 2012.

15. From vertex operator algebras to conformal nets. Two Days in Quantum Field Theory, Roma - Frascati, January 2011. Slides 

14. From vertex operator algebras to conformal nets. Operator Algebras, Conformal Field Theory and Related Topics, Vienna, September 2008. Slides 

13.  Algebre di Virasoro e Super-Virasoro. "Seminari informali di geometria non commutativa", Department of Mathematics, University of Rome "Tor Vergata", March 2008.

12. Vertex operator algebras and conformal nets. Joint-International Meeting UMI-DMV (session: Operator Algebras), Perugia, June 2007.  

11. From vertex algebras to local nets of von Neumann algebras. International Congress on Mathematical Physics - ICMP 2006 (session: Operator Algebras), Rio de Janeiro, August 2006.

10. From vertex algebras to conformal nets II. Infinite dimensional Lie algebras and local von Neumann algebras in CFT, Banff International Research Station (BIRS), May 2006.

9. From vertex algebras to conformal nets I. Infinite dimensional Lie algebras and local von Neumann algebras in CFT, Banff International Research Station (BIRS), May 2006.

8.  On vertex operator algebras that generate conformal nets of von Neumann algebras. "Operator Algebra Seminar", Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Tokyo, November 2005.

7. On the uniqueness of diffeomorphism symmetry in conformal field theory. "COE Operator Algebra Seminar", Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Tokyo, October 2004. 

6. Classification of subsystems in 4D quantum field theory. Seminari di Algebre di Operatori,  Department of Mathematics, University of Rome "Tor Vergata", January 2004.

5. Local extensions of compact type for the c=1 Virasoro net. Conformal Field Theory. An Introduction, Rome, March 2003.

4. Sectors with infinite statistical dimension for the Virasoro algebra. Index Theorems and Modularity in Operator Algebras, Oberwolfach, June 2002.

3. The Virasoro algebra and sectors with infinite statistical dimension. AMS-UMI First Joint International Meeting (session: Operator Algebras), Pisa, June 2002.

2. Classification of subsystems for local nets of von Neumann algebras. "Seminar C*-Algebren", Institute of  Mathematics of the University of Münster, April 2000.  

1. Teorema di Noether quantistico e invarianza conforme: studio di alcuni modelli. "Seminari di Algebre di Operatori", Department of Mathematics, University of Rome "Tor Vergata", February 1998. 


Last modified 26  November 2023