Mathematical Analysis I 2019-2020

Engineering Sciences, University of Rome "Tor Vergata"

Office hours: Under e-mail appointment

Tutor: Jacopo Bassi

Suggested book: Claudio Canuto and Anita Tabacco: Mathematical Analysis I,

Springer-Verlag 2008, link

Syllabus (last updated January 19, 2020, final version)

Exercises and other useful material can be found here

Exams (Booking for exams is mandatory. Booking requests after the deadline will typically not be accepted. An identity document is required to take the exams.):

21/01/2020 written. text, solution

28/01/2020 oral.

10/02/2020 written. text a, text b, solution a, solution b

17/02/2020 oral.

Because of the covid-19 emergency the next exams will be only online. The online written test will be a multiple choice quiz on both practical and theoretical arguments of the syllabus. Students will need a computer with camera and microphone and the access Microsoft Teams provided by the university.

Guidelines for the online exams (in Italian) are available here.

The exam dates for the autumn session are available here. As you can read the online written test will be a Moodle multiple choice quiz on both practical and theoretical arguments of the syllabus. Some other practical argument including certain computations will be shifted to the oral test which, in any case, will still include the traditional theoretical questions on theorems, definitions proofs ....

A student is admitted to the oral test if s/he gets 18 or more in the written test. The oral test is mandatory.

The pdf file of a trial test for the for the Moodle quiz is available here.

All the students planning to register to the exams for the autumn session are encouraged to join as soon as possible the team

CARPI-8037944-MATHEMATICAL_ANALYSIS_I in Microsoft Teams.

The link for the team is here.

Before the online exam all students should carefully read the rules described

here. An example of a good student position during the online written test is given here.