Write to Elected Representatives
For ready to use blocks of of e-mail addresses of all our current ( 2011) Elected Representatives go to :
Copy and paste these addresses into your e-mail To : CC or BCC fields
You might also consider copying your letters to people in media organisations
Ready to use blocks of of e-mail addresses of all the current ( 2011) Elected Representatives (Councillors ) in:
The Northland Regional Council
mailroom@nrc.govt.nz, cae.brown@xtra.co.nz, jbain@internet.co.nz,
carr.clan@farmside.co.nz, tony@westpoint.net.nz, bronyh@hotmail.com,
baylys@igrin.co.nz, billr@igrin.co.nz, ian@nzfarmers.com,
all elected representatives on the Far North District Council,
mayor@fndc.govt.nz, colin.kitchen@fire.org.nz, amkl@xtra.co.nz, sallygmac@xtra.co.nz, trydalton@gmail.com, steve@mcnallyvaluation.co.nz,
thebarnhouse@xtra.co.nz, di@creative-edge.co.nz, tom.baker@clear.net.nz, calamity.jane@xtra.co.nz, harkobrown@gmail.com, kruza@xtra.co.nz,
terry.lizg@kinect.co.nz, bruce-mills@hotmail.co.nz, jstrauss@slingshot.co.nz, baycabinz@xtra.co.nz, lawrielyn@callsouth.net.nz, davidogman@gmail.com,
willieneta@ihug.co.nz, bowmane@xnet.co.nz, clara.doubtlessbay@gmail.com, dave_smith@xtra.co.nz, hiku_venus@clear.net.nz, project@maxnet.co.nz,
winstephens@gmail.com, mark.andy@xtra.co.nz,warren.gundry@windowslive.com, pakai@xtra.co.nz,
Whangarei District Council
mayor@wdc.govt.nz, shelleydeeming@paradise.net.nz, philandflow@xtra.co.nz, crichtonc@value.net.nz, m.williamson@clear.net.nz, kahuroa@xtra.co.nz,
jeroen@diving.co.nz, shazzmorgan7@hotmail.com , aaronjamesedwards@gmail.com, robinsusanglen@ihug.co.nz, cr.williams@wdc.govt.nz, lachlan@xnet.co.nz,
Kaipara District Council
council@kaipara.govt.nz, mayor@kaipara.govt.nz, brianm@quicksilver.net.nz,
wadeconcrete@xtra.co.nz, sandune@ihug.co.nz, the.lintons@ubernet.co.nz,
jonathan.larsen@xtra.co.nz, country.cottage@xtra.co.nz, hharding@igrin.go.nz,
Scroll down for letters to copy and paste to our Elected Representatives
( Click here for blocks of Northland, Far North , Whangarei and Kaipara district Councils' e-mail addresses )
For ready to use blocks of of e-mail addresses of all our current ( 2011) Elected Representatives go to :
Copy and paste these addresses into your e-mail To : CC or BCC fields
You might also consider copying your letters to people in media organisations
and forwarding them through your networks to let others know about this.
john.key@national.org.nz; amy.adams@national.org.nz; shane.ardern@national.org.nz; chris.auchinvole@national.org.nz; bakshi.mp@parliament.govt.nz; david.bennett@national.org.nz; paula.bennettmp@parliament.govt.nz; jackie.blue@national.org.nz; chester.borrows@national.org.nz; simon.bridges@national.org.nz; gerry.brownlee@national.org.nz; cam.calder@national.org.nz; david.carter@national.org.nz; john.carter@national.org.nz; jonathan.coleman@national.org.nz; office@judithcollins.co.nz; jacqui.dean@parliament.govt.nz; bill.english@national.org.nz; c.finlayson@parliament.govt.nz; craigfoss@backingthebay.co.nz; aaron.gilmore@national.org.nz; jo.goodhew@parliament.govt.nz; sandra.goudie@national.org.nz; tim.groser@national.org.nz; nathan.guy@national.org.nz; john.hayes@national.org.nz; phil.heatley@national.org.nz; tau.henare@national.org.nz; paul.hutchison@parliament.govt.nz; steven.joyce@national.org.nz; nikki.kaye@national.org.nz; colin.kingmp@parliament.govt.nz; melissa.lee@national.org.nz;
sam.lotu-iiga@national.org.nz; tim.macindoemp@parliament.govt.nz; wayne.mapp@national.org.nz; todd.mcclay@national.org.nz; murray.mccully@national.org.nz; hekia.parata@parliament.govt.nz; allan.peachey@national.org.nz; simon.power@national.org.nz; paul.quinn@national.org.nz;
jamie-lee.ross@national.org.nz; eric.roy@national.org.nz; tony.ryall@national.org.nz;
katrina.shanks@national.org.nz; lockwood.smith@national.org.nz; nick.smith@national.org.nz; georgina.teheuheu@national.org.nz; lindsay.tisch@parliament.govt.nz; anne.tolley@national.org.nz; chris.tremain@parliament.govt.nz; louise.upston@national.org.nz; nicky.wagner@national.org.nz; kate.wilkinson@national.org.nz; maurice.williamson@national.org.nz; michael.woodhouse@national.org.nz; jonathan.young@national.org.nz
To all Ministers in the National Government : Peak Oil : What is your plan ?
Dear Minister(s)
I count myself as one of a broad network of the many people around New Zealand who are concerned about the 'road' we are being taken down.
We would like to know if you have seen / heard / read / understand the issue addressed on the following web-page:
and would like to know why you are not acting collectively to address what is likely to be the most important issue to face our nation.
We would like to collate and publish your responses.
Thank you.
And/Or ( please edit for appropriacy to your area )
Specifically for people in the North Auckland and Northland Regions ( i.e.those affected by the Puhoi-Wellsford Motorway extension and the rationalisation of the North Auckland Line.
To all Ministers in the National Government : Peak Oil : What is your plan ?
20110531 To all Ministers in the National Government
I count myself to be one of the many people throughout New Zealand who are concerned about the 'road' New Zealand is being taken down.
The International Energy Agency is ( May 2011 ) telling us that Peak Oil occured in 2006 and that consequently, governments need to prepare for higher fossil fuel costs and provide infrastructure appropriate to the post cheap oil age:
For further recent information please watch, listen to and read some of the links posted here
We would like to know how building more 'roads of 'National' significance at the expense of developing our strategically essential railway infrastructure is consistant with the advice from the IEA,- and what you, as part of the National Party are planning to do towards addressing
what is likely to be the most important issue to face our region and our nation as we move into the post peak oil future.
We would like to collate and publish your responses.
Thank you
phil.goff@parliament.govt.nz; jacinda.ardern@parliament.govt.nz; rick.barker@parliament.govt.nz; carol.beaumont@parliament.govt.nz; brendon.burns@parliament.govt.nz; steve.chadwick@parliament.govt.nz; charles.chauvel@parliament.govt.nz; ashraf.choudhary@parliament.govt.nz; clayton.cosgrove@parliament.govt.nz; david.cunliffe@parliament.govt.nz; clare.curran@parliament.govt.nz; lianne.dalziel@parliament.govt.nz; kelvin.davis@parliament.govt.nz; ruth.dyson@parliament.govt.nz; kris.faafoi@parliament.govt.nz; darien.fenton@parliament.govt.nz; george.hawkins@parliament.govt.nz; chris.hipkins@parliament.govt.nz; pete.hodgson@parliament.govt.nz; parekura.horomia@parliament.govt.nz; darren.hughes@parliament.govt.nz; raymond.huo@parliament.govt.nz; shane.jones@parliament.govt.nz; annette.king@parliament.govt.nz; iain.lees-galloway@parliament.govt.nz; moana.mackey@parliament.govt.nz; nanaia.mahuta@parliament.govt.nz; trevor.mallard@parliament.govt.nz; sue.moroney@parliament.govt.nz; stuart.nash@parliament.govt.nz;
damien.oconnor@parliament.govt.nz; david.parker@parliament.govt.nz; lynne.pillay@parliament.govt.nz; rajen.prasad@parliament.govt.nz; mita.ririnui@parliament.govt.nz; grant.robertson@parliament.govt.nz; ross.robertson@parliament.govt.nz; carmel.sepuloni@parliament.govt.nz; david.shearer@parliament.govt.nz; sua.william.sio@parliament.govt.nz; maryan.street@parliament.govt.nz; phil.twyford@parliament.govt.nz
To all New Zealand Labour Party MPs : Peak Oil : What is your plan ?
To all MPs in the New Zealand Labour Party
I count myself as one of a broad network of people around New Zealand who are concerned about the 'road' the National Government is taking us down.
We would like to know if you have seen / heard / read / understand the significance of the issue addressed on the following web-page:
and would like to know why the Labour Party is avoiding any direct mention of peak oil and we'd like to know what the Labour Party is doing to address what is likely to be the most important issue to face our nation as we go into the post peak oil age.
We would like to collate and publish your responses.
Thank you.
And / Or
To all New Zealand Labour Party MPs : Peak Oil : What is your plan ?
To all MPs in the New Zealand Labour Party
I count myself to be one of the many people throughout New Zealand who are concerned about the 'road' New Zealand is being taken down by the
current National Government.
The International Energy Agency is ( May 2011 ) telling us that Peak Oil occured in 2006 and that consequently, governments need to prepare for higher fossil fuel costs and provide infrastructure appropriate to the post cheap oil age:
For further information please watch, listen to and read some of the links posted here
We would like to know what you, as part of the Labour Party are planning to do towards addressing what is likely to be the most important issue
to face our region and our nation as we move into the post peak oil future.
We would like to collate and publish your responses.
Thank you
Please consider forwarding these on through your networks