20141107 New North Rail Closure Threat
Response to Advocate’s 7/11/14 Northland Rail Route article:
In 2011 around 14,000 Northland residents signed a Petition to retain our North to Auckland Rail link,causing KiwiRail to do a dramatic U-turn,on discovering it was NOT actually uneconomic. Despite negative pressure from Government, KiwiRail found their larger Northland clients in both bulk and containerised freight did want a Rail service retained. Northland Regional council prepared research through the Taylor Report (Kelvin Taylor’s “Northland Rail Freight Strategy paper” June 2012 proved good sustainable business case) which justified NRC’s purchase (obo.rate payers)of the Oakleigh to Marsden Port corridor. District Councils also became involved (concerned our fragile roads wouldn’t cope with extra Road freight. )and Northern locals formed Rail lobby groups (eg.Whangarei Save our Rail, Far North Transport Lobby) expressing concerns over increased pollution, noise and safety issues from extra trucks through their towns.From a Newstalk ZB interview with PM.John Key our group has a transcript 22/10/10 where Key stated,-“ Government’s committed to opening up Northland by investing in our roads and Rail links with Auckland.”Also; “Marsden Port rail link is still on his radar.”Problem being, now re-elected nearly 4years later NO start on Puhoi-Wellsford Motorway, NO Marsden Rail link yet talk of clousure? Key’s Radar must be as empty as his promises!!
Come 2014 and two winter “weather bombs”brought Northland many major slips and flooding, caused such severe road damage that Northland’s highway freight routes were actually closed and “backroad detours”collapsed under the extra trucks justifying Council’s earlier concerns. Fortunately, our Northland Railway kept operating, thus our supplies not as badly effected as if we had been solely reliant on trucks. Transport minister Jerry Brownlee, after publically promising National would cover the multi-million Storm damage has also reneged on his earlier promise.Now poor Northland Councils and ratepayers have been told we have to pay 25% of road repairs!
These recent Northland emergencies clearly illustrate the folly of Governments relying on just one transport mode(Road),with NO Rail alternative backup.Despite proof from Christchurch,where post-quake Rail was operating again in around 2 days when Road repairs took many, many months.This year’s massive $50b national fuel bill ‘blow-out’also has put a dampner on NZ’s economic growth;so should illustrate a huge plus for Rail over thousands of thirsty trucks and buses. Early 2010 on becoming government National engaged consultants John Bolland Ltd to research and compare,“The economic Benefits to NZ. of Rail Freight.” The Bolland Report ( though it ranked Shipping as No.1) strongly favoured Rail@ No.2 over Road @ no.3; in terms of efficiency & overall national economic benefit. Despite the report’s cost, Govt. immediately embargoed it, hiding it from the public, but fortunately Rail lobby groups obtained it under the Official Information Act.
Surely all these previous events should have taught Government the dangers of reliance on solely Road transport? But No! WHY have they ignored the actual, factual evidence as well as academic research? The answer lies in posing this Political question. “ Who is one of the largest Donors to the National Party??” Certainly NOT KiwiRail,( who are slowly but deliberately being gutted and shut out of the transport sector ) But ask instead, “Who gains most from the current Government cash starvation of our railways?”Real Answer: Road Transport forum operators whose User charges (subsidised by private motorists & Govt.) only cover 40% of highway damage.
Sadly for lethargic NZers, it may take another natural catastrophe, national disaster, war or another international Oil shock to cripple our “fuel-thirsty, Road dependant nation” and so change their Transport thinking in favour of cheaper,cleaner, more efficient & more economic alternative modes of transport. Also our group now faced with the withdrawl of Air NZ.services wonders, HOW much longer is Northland going to be handed Third WORLD province treatment and WHAT are our MP’s doing to allow this??
So, all Northlanders and MP’s WAKE UP! STOP allowing most of the Transport budget to be spent on Auckland. Give us our FAIR share and beware of,“ Putting all our Transport ‘Eggs’ into one (ROAD) basket!”
W.G.Bonetti . Convenor ,
Far North Transport Lobby group.