Cost of IEA membership to NZ

We used the Official Information Act ( on the 11th of December 2011 ) to apply for this because we thought New Zealanders should have some idea of what the information that our National-led government is suppressing or indeed are choosing to ignore in their energy and transport strategies, is costing us.


To the Minister(y) of Economic Development

Official Information Act Request:

( please reply to this e-mail to acknowledge receipt )

    • What is the annual cost in $NZ to New Zealand for our membership of the International Energy Agency ?

    • Please provide names and contact details for people involved in liasing with the International Energy Agency on New Zealand's behalf:


The designated "Operating Agent" who is the lead focal point / contact for the Contracting Party."

"IA Executive Committee (ExCo) meetings and other relevant meetings are attended by a designated "Operating Agent" who is the lead focal point / contact for the Contracting Party."

and / or

    • "We are usually represented on these IEA Working Parties by experts from the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority (EECA)."

Given that " The IEA conducts an in-depth review of each member country's energy sector and policies every five years " and the most recent review was published in 2006,

Thank you.

Alan Preston for Save Our Rail Northland