Sign our Petition

( Sorry - Too late ! )

Save the Northland to Auckland Rail Line Petition

Green Party Transport Spokesperson, Gareth Hughes presented the petition to Save the Northland to Auckland railway Line

at Parliament at 12.30 on 5th of October 2011)

Save Our Rail Northland's spokesperson Vivienne Shepherd spoke on behalf of the 13,471 people who signed the petition on some of the reasons why we are concerned about the proposed 'mothballing' of our strategically essential rail infrastructure.

Click here to see some reasons people signed.

What you see here is a shrunken version of the A4 size petition as a .jpg graphics file.

To print it out, click on it and choose 'save image as' then save it to a file on your own computer.

24th of June 2011 : The Rail and Marine Transport Workers are also running an online petition asking

KiwiRail to save jobs at their Hillside and Woburn Engineering workshops.

See:NZ Work for NZ Workers