about this web-site
Created May 2011, most recently updated January 2021
This web-site is specifically dedicated to the aim of saving the North Auckland Line and the Dargaville branch railway lines in the Northland Region of New Zealand.
It was created on the free googlesites platform @ https://sites.google.com/site/saveourrailnorthland/
but we're using the domain name www.saveourrailnorthland.org.nz to make it easier for people to pass on verbally.
Red, yellow and grey are the colours are used by KiwiRail so.....
You may find that several of the links still take you to content on pages on the https://sites.google.com/site/thewayforward2011/
web-site which was put together to unite all of the groups suffering the symptoms which have a common cause.
All of that content is being copied onto this site
Adding pages and content is easy (and free) and we aim to keep it up to date for as long as it is needed-
which, hopefully, will not be for much longer.
Contact Alan Preston @ saveourrailnorthland@gmail.com phone (09)4314389 or 02102377242
if you'd like to make suggestions, add content etc.
January 2021