Save Our Rail Northland  

( 2011 > present ) 

Last updated 19th of July 2024.
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2024-06-19 Radio New Zealand : (audio)  Northland's Railway to Nowhere  
2024-03-4 Northern Advocate : 
Weather repairs on Northland’s sole rail line now chugging forward 

To do now :

2023-04-20   See Grow Northland Rail's submission to the Northland Regional Council  on  Whangarei Commuter Rail

2023-02-24 : The Northern Advocate : Is it time to turn to rail ?

Inquiry into the future of inter-regional passenger rail in New Zealand

( Submissions closed on 21st of October 2022 )

20220407 ( NZ Herald ) Government to spend $550 Million on Northland Railway, including spur to Northport.

A  response published in the Northern Advocate 20220412 : Northland rail campaigners welcome $550M for spur to Marsden Pt and other rail work

Off the tracks: New Zealand's lost railway network

Dr André Brett and Sam van der Weerden have just published their book  'Can't Get There from Here: New Zealand's Shrinking Passenger Rail Network, 1920-2020, traces the expansion and - more commonly - the contraction of New Zealand's passenger rail network over the last century.

The $207,000,000 upgrade of the North Auckland Line has been completed and freight trains started running between Auckland and Whangarei again on the 11th of January 2021. 

  To find out more about Northland's rail infrastructure , check out the pages on the drop down menus. 

4th of June 2021 Northport gets a long-awaited rail link

Northport to get rail link at expense of new state highway

To join this broad network of people working to save Northland's railways, to offer what help or skills you could provide, or just to be kept informed of what's happening, please send an e-mail to :

and sign up to Save the Auckland to Northland Rail Line ( on Facebook )  .  

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If you know someone who's likely to want to get involved but who doesn't use the internet, please pass our number on to them . Thanks !

Contact for this web-site: Alan Preston , Mangawhai, Northland

    Tel: +64 9 4315389 or 02102377242

    e-mail  @

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