20160711 OIA - Dargaville Branch Line
20160711 To KiwiRail from Save Our Rail Northland:
Official Information Act Request for update on the status of the Dargaville Branch Line.
Dear Mr Preston
We are writing in response to your Official Information Act 1982 request dated 13 July 2016 requesting information on the status of the Dargaville Branch Line. Your questions and KiwiRail’s responses are outlined below:
“What type of rail-based vehicle (s) are currently using the Dargaville Branch Line?
Rail carts, or draisine as they are also known, currently use the Dargaville Branch Line.
Who are these vehicles operated by?
The rail carts are operated by Port Dargaville Rail and River Limited.
What is the period of contract for right of use of the line?
This information is commercially sensitive and has been withheld under section 9 (2)(b)(ii) of the Act.
What section of track are these vehicles using (i.e.)
Between what point of origin and what destination are these vehicles running?
Port Dargaville Rail and River Limited run rail carts on the track between Tangowahine (near Tangowahine Settlement Road) and Dargaville (near Edward Street, Daragville).
How frequently are rail-based vehicles (if any) using the Dargaville Branch Line?
KiwiRail does not hold this information.
Could these vehicles continue to operate if KiwiRail freight / passenger services were to recommence on the Dargaville Branch Line?
No. Passenger services and rail carts could not share the Dargaville Branch Line because there isn’t capacity for both vehicles to operate on the track simultaneously.
What provisions would have to be made?
Please see above.
What tonnage (if any) is being carried on the Dargaville Branch Line now. (July 2016)
No tonnage is carried on the Dargaville Branch Line at present.
What tonnage was being carried at the time of closure?
The Dargaville Branch Line has not closed. However, no commercial services have operated on the line since a derailment caused significant damage to the track in July 2014. Prior to the derailment, 30-40,000 tonnes were carried across the line annually.
How is that freight now being transported?
KiwiRail does not hold this information.
What type of freight (if any) is currently being carried on the Dargaville Branch Line?
No freight is carried on the Dargaville Branch Line at present.
What type of freight that was being carried on the Dargaville Branch Line at time of discontinuation of service?
At the time that the freight service discontinued in 2014, the Dargaville Branch Line carried pulp logs to the Portland Mill.
What significant repairs or improvements have been or are being carried out on the Dargaville Branch Line?
No repair or improvement work is being undertaken on the Dargaville Branch Line at present. KiwiRail has not undertaken a comprehensive review of the cost of repairs on the Dargaville Branch line. A preliminary estimate indicates that the cost would be in the region of several million as a large section of track requires upgrading including sleepers and track infrastructure.
What is the makeup of maintenance crews operating along the Dargaville Branch Line (if any)?
At present, there are no maintenance crews operating on the Dargaville Branch Line. Prior to Port Dargaville Rail and River Limited leasing the line, a two man maintenance crew undertook maintenance activities to improve rail joint condition and performed rail break repairs. In addition, a structures gang undertook work on the timber rail bridges.
Has any part of the infrastructure on the Dargaville Branch been removed?
No infrastructure has been removed from the Dargaville Branch Line.
Is there any plan to remove any part of the infrastructure within the rail corridor - or to relinquish ownership of any part of the rail corridor?
No. KiwiRail has no current plans to remove infrastructure within the rail corridor or to relinquish ownership.
What is the likely future of freight services on the Dargaville Branch Line?
KiwiRail is not closing the Dargaville Branch line. Freight services could resume in the future if demand for freight services makes it viable and commercial agreements can be put in place.
What is the estimated cost of bringing the Dargaville Branch Line up to the required standard to enable recommencement of freight services? ”
KiwiRail has not undertaken a comprehensive review of the cost of repairs on the Dargaville Branch line. However, a preliminary estimate indicates that the cost would be in the region of several million as a large section of track requires upgrading including sleepers and track infrastructure.
Under s28(3) of the Act, you have the right to seek an investigation and review of this response by way of complaint to the Ombudsman. Refer to www.ombudsman.govt.nz for more information.
Louise Jago | Communications Co-ordinator
Ph: +64-4-498 3372 (internal extn 43372) | Fax: +64-4-473 1589 | Mob: +64-027 407 1718
Level 4, Wellington Railway Station, Bunny Street, Wellington 6011 | PO Box 593, Wellington 6140, New Zealand
Backbone of integrated transport networks
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From: Louise Jago
Sent: Wednesday, 13 July 2016 11:34 a.m.
To: 'fyi-request-4242-01b906a6@requests.fyi.org.nz'
Subject: RE: Official Information request - 20160711 To KiwiRail from Save Our Rail Northland: Official Information Act Request for update on the status of the Dargaville Branch Line
Good morning Alan
We acknowledge receipt of the below Official Information Act 1982 request.
Under the Act, KiwiRail has up to 20 working days from the date of receiving your request to respond. Therefore, you can expect a response on or before Monday 8 August 2016.
We note that you have also submitted this request under the Save Our Rail Northland email address which we acknowledged earlier today. To avoid any doubt, we intend to provide the same response to both email addresses.
We will be in touch with you if it is necessary to clarify any aspect of your request.
Kind regards
Louise Jago | Communications Co-ordinator
Ph: +64-4-498 3372 (internal extn 43372) | Fax: +64-4-473 1589 | Mob: +64-027 407 1718
contact Alan Preston in Mangawhai, Northland ( web-site) Tel: +64 9 4315389 .
e-mail @ e-mail:saveourrailnorthland@gmail.com
facebook : https://www.facebook.com/groups/saveourrailnorthland/