Course Loads

The Nunn School restricts all major core classes and selected electives during Phase I. Students will be notified when restrictions are lifted.

Nunn School students have priority registration for languages courses offered by the School of Modern Languages during Phase I registration. Register early for these classes before they are opened to the general GT student body.

Restricting classes to majors-only during Phase I is a common practice across campus, so please read the course information on OSCAR for restriction information in other departments.


Suggested Credit Loads

Students should aim to register for 12-17 hours per term.  Take at least one INTA class and one language class every semester until those requirements are met. Georgia Tech full time status is achieved at 12 hours, in fall, spring and summer.


Sequencing and Suggested Schedule (what to take when?)

INTA Course pre-requisites:


Careers in International Affairs (INTA 2001) is only offered during the spring semester. It is geared for second-semester freshman and higher. Students should have taken an INTA courses before registering for the Careers course.

Pro-Seminar in International Affairs (INTA 4500) is the capstone course for INTA and IAML students. IAML students also have the option to take the Intercultural Seminar (ML 4500) through the selected language to fulfill the requirement. EIA students fulfill the capstone course with EIA 4740, which is only offered in the fall.


GT Core Course Scheduling:

The University System of Georgia Board of Regents has instituted a credit threshold for English and Math courses, to ensure that that students do not put off these basic skills courses until too late in their study plans. The general idea of general education is to have students master the basic skills they need in their first year or  two years in preparation for their major requirements which will, most likely, require these skills for success.


See the INTA Advising Blog or the GT Catalog for specific guidelines on when these classes need to be completed.