Cluster Suggestions

For INTA students, the Non-Major Cluster is satisfied either through 15 hours of coursework in one school or through 15 hours of coursework comprising a coherent program approved by the Nunn School. For EIA students, the cluster is 9 hours.

The Non-Major Cluster requirement allows students to build a specialization or concentration in an area outside of the major. The cluster course may also be utilized as a built-in Minor or Certificate. Available Minors can be found on the Advising website:

Popular Clusters

Some of the more popular clusters are in management (combining MGMT and ECON classes), pre-law (combining PUBP and HTS classes), history (combining HIST and HTS classes), psychology, language and economics. Some students have been very creative by creating clusters in journalism (with cross-enrollment at Georgia State University), writing (combining writing intensive course from a variety of departments), sociology (with cross-enrollment from Emory), general sciences and engineering.

Please see the advisor for guidance with the Cluster.