Knowledge of the Son of God


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Knowledge of the Son of God, His Pedigree, etc.

So in the morning they all got up, and after some more discourse, they told him that he should not depart till they had shewed him the rarities of that place. And first they had him into the Study, where they shewed him records of the greatest antiquity; in which, as I remember my dream, they shewed him first the Pedigree of the Lord of the Hill, that he was the Son of the Ancient of Days, and came by an Eternal Generation. Here also was more fully recorded the Acts that he had done, and the names of man hundreds that he had taken into his service; and how he had placed them in such habitations that could neither by length of days, nor decays of nature, be dissolved. Then they read to him some of the worthy Acts that some of His servants had done: as, how they had subdued Kingdoms, wrought Righteousness, obtained Promises, stopped the mouths of lions, quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the Sword; out of weakness were made strong, waxed valiant in fight, and turned to flight the armies of the aliens. Then they read again in another part of the Records of the house, where it was shewed how willing their Lord was to receive into His favour any, even any, though they in time past had offered great affronts to His Person and proceedings. Here also were several other Histories of many other famous things, of all which Christian had a view; as of things both Ancient and Modern: together with Prophecies and predictions of things that have their certain accomplishment, both to the dread and amazement of enemies, and the comfort and solace of Pilgrims.


In the Stately Palace, the ministers take pains to show Christian the rarities of that place. To explain the rarities of that place, they took him first to the study room. They showed him records of the greatest antiquity in the Old Testament books to prove that Jesus was the Son of the Ancient of Days and came by an eternal generation. Nowadays, preachers present another christ who is not of the Ancient of Days. Their discussions were confined only to the Records of histories. Present day preachers share mostly from their dreams and visions which run contrary to the Records of histories in the Bible. The Records of histories should also include modern records which are of the lives of those saints who have lived and died after the New Testament period. Fox records of martyrs should be read in all churches. Our Sunday school children should be taught how the apostles of the Lord and other saints died as martyrs. Prophetic books of the Bible should be studied and interpreted in today's context.

Next.......Provisions in the Armory