Meeting the place of Appolyon


Previous.....Boy feeding the sheep

Meeting the Place of Appolyon

Lo yonder also stands a monument, on which is engraven this battle, and Christian's victory, to his fame throughout all ages. So because it stood just on the wayside before them, they stepped to it and read the writing, which word for word was this.

Hard by here was a battle fought,

Most strange, and yet most true;

Christian and Apollyon sought each other to subdue.

The man so bravely play'd the man,

He made the fiend to fly;

Of which a monument I stand,

The same to testify.

When they had passed by this place, they came upon the borders of the Shadow of Death; and this valley was longer than the other; a place also most strangely haunted with evil things, as many are able to testify. But these women and children went the better through it because they had day-light, and because Mr Great-heart was their conductor.

When they were entered upon this valley, they thought that they heard a groaning as of dead men, a very great groaning. They thought also they did hear words of lamentation spoken, as of some in extreme torment. These things made the boys to quake, the women also looked pale and wan; but their Guide bid them "be of good comfort".

So they went on a little further, and they thought that they felt the ground begin to shake under them, as if some hollow place was there; they heard also a kind of hissing as of serpents, but nothing as yet appeared. Then said the boys, Are we not yet at the end of this doleful place? But the Guide also bid them to be of good courage, and look well to their feet, lest haply, said he, you be taken in some snare.

Now James began to be sick, but I think the cause thereof was fear; so his mother gave him some of that glass of spirits that she had given her at the Interpreter's house, and three of the pills that Mr Skill had prepared, and the boy began to revive. Thus they went on till they came to about the middle of the valley, and then Christiana said, Methinks I see something yonder upon the road before us, a thing of such a shape such as I have not seen. Then said Joseph, Mother, what is it? An ugly thing, child, an ugly thing, said she. But mother, what is it like? said he. 'Tis like I cannot tell what, said she, And now it was but a little way off. Then said she, It is nigh.

Well, well, said Mr Great-heart, Let them that are most afraid keep close to me. So the fiend came on, and the conductor met it; but when it was just come to him, it vanished to all their sights. Then remembered they what had been said some time ago, Resist the Devil, and he will fly from you.

Now they were come to the place where the afore mentioned battle was fought. Then said the Guide to Christiana her children and Mercy, This is the place, on this ground Christian stood, and up there came Apollyon against him. And look, did not I tell you? Here is some of your husband's blood upon these stones to this day; behold also how here and there are yet to be seen upon the place some of the shivers of Apollyon's broken darts. See also how they did beat the ground with their feet as they fought, to make good their places against each other, how also with their by-blows they did split the very stones in pieces. Verily Christian did here play the man, and shewed himself as stout, as could, had he been there, even Hercules himself. When Apollyon was beat, he made his retreat to the next valley, that is called the Valley of the Shadow of Death, unto which we shall come anon.

They went therefore on, as being a little refreshed; but they had not gone far, before Mercy looking behind her, saw, as she thought, something most like a lion, and it came a great padding pace after; and it had a hollow voice of roaring, and at every roar that it gave it made all the valley echo, and their hearts to ake, save the heart of him that was their Guide. So it came up, and Mr Great-heart went behind, and put the Pilgrims all before him. The lion also came on apace, and Mr Great-heart addressed himself to give him battle. But when he saw that it was determined that resistance should be made, he also drew back and came no further.


Great-heart, the guide, also represents the Holy Ghost as our Helper and Guide when we pass through the valley of humiliation and the valley of the shadow of death. We can hear His voice as we pray and read the Word of God. The Holy Ghost also sends ministers like Great-heart to help and guide us.

Great-heart ministered to pilgrims by words of exhortation. He demonstrated to them how to resist the devil so as to drive him away. The fiend just vanished without harming pilgrims. Pastors and ministers should equip the children of God so as to resist the devil. Nowadays, pastors and ministers love to pray for delivering the children of God from evil spirits and do not teach them or equip them so as to resist the devil.

The valley of the shadow of death is a temporary phenomenon as it will pass away quickly. It is the place where Appolyon threatens us but cannot harm us. He will create fears of death as we pray for divine healing. Let us remember the following promise of God as we pass through the valley of shadow of death.

"Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,

I will fear no evil;

For You are with me;

Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me. (Ps.23:4)

James fell ill but soon recovered by drinking from the glass of spirits and eating three pills given by Mr. Skill. The glass of spirits and pills are those medicines as prescribed by good doctors. As we take medicines by faith, God heals our sick bodies. In India, some pastors used to give ordinary water with prayers to sick patients for healing and they got healed.

Next......Mist and darkness