Journey to the Celestial City


Previous.....Supper and Music at table

Journey of Christiana with her maiden Mercy and children to the celestial city

In the morning they arose with the sun, and prepared themselves for their departure; but the Interpreter would have them tarry awhile, for said he, you must orderly go from hence. Then said he to the Damsel that at first opened unto them, Take them and have them into the Garden to the bath, and there wash them, and make them clean from the soil which they gathered by travelling. Then Innocent the Damsel took them, and had them into the Garden, and brought them to the bath; so she told them that there they must wash and be clean, for so her Master would have the women to do that called at his house, as they were going on Pilgrimage. They then went in and washed, yea they and the boys and all; and they came out of that bath, not only sweet and clean, but also much enlivened and strengthened in their joints. So when they came in, they looked fairer a deal than when they went out to the washing.

When they were returned out of the Garden from the bath, the Interpreter took them and looked upon them and said unto them, Fair as the moon. Then he called for the Seal wherewith they used to be sealed that were washed in his bath. So the Seal was brought, and he set His Mark upon them, that they might be known in the places whither they were yet to go. Now the Seal was the contents and sum of the Passover which the children of Israel did eat when they came out from the land of Egypt, and the Mark was set between their eyes. This Seal greatly added to their beauty, for it was an ornament to their faces. It also added to their gravity, and made their countenances more like them of Angels.

Then said the Interpreter again to the Damsel that waited upon these women, Go into the Vestry and fetch out garments for these people; so she went and fetched out white Raiment, and laid it down before him; so he commanded them to put it on. It was fine linen, white and clean. When the women were thus adorned, they seemed to be a terror one to the other, for that they could not see that glory each one on herself which they could see in each other. Now therefore they began to esteem each other better than themselves. For you are fairer than I am, said one; and you are more comely than I am, said another. The children also stood amazed to see into what fashion they were brought.

The interpreter then called for a man-servant of his, one Great-heart, and bid him to take sword and helmet and shield; and take these my daughters, said he, and conduct them to the house called Beautiful, at which place they will rest next. So he took his weapons and went before them, and the Interpreter said, God speed. Those also that belonged to the family sent them away with many a good wish. So they went on their way and sung,

This place has been our second stage,

Here we have heard and seen

Those good things that from age to age,

To others hid have been.

The Dunghill-raker, the Spider, Hen,

The Chicken too to me

Hath taught a lesson;

let me then Conformed to it be.

The Butcher, Garden, and the Field,

The Robin and his bait,

Also the Rotten Tree doth yield

Me argument of weight,

To move me for to watch and pray,

To strive to be sincere,

To take my Cross up day by day,

And serve the Lord with fear.


The Interpreter entrusted the work of ministry or service to Innocent the Damsel. Where are damsels in our churches to take care of widows, orphans and poor saints who are in great need of help and aid? Pastors love to give messages from pulpits and to covet tithes from them but do not appoint damsels in their churches to minister to their congregations. Are there special ministers to fetch out garments for these people? They were given fine linen, white and clean. The damsels have to give them water baptism and clothe them with garments of salvation. Then they have to set a seal on their foreheads as a sign of the Holy Spirit indwelling them. Without this seal, their lives would not spiritually beautiful. A soul gets the seal of God when the Holy Spirit begins to indwell him or her. Every member has to be ministered individually by the damsel.

Regarding ministry to saints, in the early church, the apostles chose Stephen, a man full of faith and of the Holy Spirit, Philip, Prochorus, Nicanor, Timon, Parmenas, and Nicolaus, a proselyte of Antioch. The congregation presented these men to the apostles. When the apostles had prayed, they laid their hands on the chosen men” (Acts 6:5-6).

The interpreter also called for a man-servant of his, one Great-heart, and bid him to take sword and helmet and shield; and "take these my daughters" and conduct them to the house called Beautiful. The ministry of Great-heart is a specialized ministry for believers in a local church. There is a beautiful house called Beautiful, the Porter's Lodge. It is a special ministry to teach, mentor and equip believers for spiritual warfare. A local church may not be equipped to offer the services of New Testament ministers such as apostles, prophets, evangelists and teachers to their congregation members. The local church has to enlist the support of apostles, prophets and teachers for ministry if such ministers are not available in the church.

Next......Great Heart