
When they were come to the Arbor, they were very willing to sit down, for they were all in a pelting heat. Then said Mercy, How sweet is rest to them that labour. And how good is the Prince of Pilgrims to provide such resting - places for them. Of this Arbor I have heard much, but I never saw it before. But here let us beware of sleeping; for as I have heard, for that it cost poor Christian dear.

Then said Mr Great-heart to the little ones, Come my pretty boys, how do you do? What think you now of going on Pilgrimage? Sir, said the least, I was almost beat out of heart, but I thank you for lending me a hand at my need. And I remember now what my mother has told me, namely, That the way to Heaven is as up a Ladder, and the way to Hell is as down a Hill. But I had rather go up the Ladder to life, than down the Hill to Death.

Then said Mercy, But the Proverb is, To go down the Hill is easy. But James said (for that was his name) The day is coming when in my opinion going down Hill will be the hardest of all. 'Tis a good boy, said his Master, thou hast given her a right answer. Then Mercy smiled, but the little boy did blush.

Christiana: Come, said Christiana, will you eat a bit, a little to sweeten your mouths, while you sit here to rest your legs? For I have here a piece of Pomegranate, which Mr Interpreter put in my hand, just when I came out of his doors. He gave me also a piece of an Honey-comb, and a little Bottle of Spirits. I thought he gave you something, said Mercy, because he called you a to-side. Yes, so he did, said the other; but Mercy, it shall still be, as I said it should, when at first we came from home, thou shalt be a sharer in all the good that I have, because thou so willingly didst become my companion.

Then she gave to them, and they did eat, both Mercy and the boys. And said Christiana to Mr Great-heart, Sir, will you do as we? But he answered, You are going on Pilgrimage, and presently I shall return: much good may what you have do to you, at home I eat the same every day. Now when they had eaten and drank, and had chatted a little longer, their Guide said to them, The day wears away, if you think good, let us prepare to be going. So they got up to go, and the little boys went before. But Christiana forgat to take her Bottle of Spirits with her, so she sent her little boy back to fetch it. Then said Mercy, I think this is a losing place.

Here Christian lost his Roll, and here Christiana left her bottle behind her. Sir, what is the cause of this? So their Guide made answer and said, The cause is sleep or forgetfulness: some sleep when they should keep awake, and some forget when they should remember; and this is the very cause, why often at the resting-places, some Pilgrims in some things come off losers. Pilgrims should watch, and remember what they have already received under their greatest enjoyment; but for want of doing so, oft-times their rejoicing ends in tears, and their sun-shine in a cloud: witness the story of Christian at this place.

When they were come to the place where Mistrust and Timorous met Christian to persuade him to go back for fear of the lions, they perceived as it were a stage, and before it towards the road a broad plate with a Copy of Verses written thereon, and underneath, the reason of raising up of that stage in that place rendered. The Verses were these:

Let him that sees this Stage take heed

Unto his Heart and Tongue;

Lest if he do not, here he speed

As some have long agone.

The words underneath the Verses were,

This stage was built to punish such upon, who through timorousness or mistrust, shall be afraid to go further on Pilgrimage. Also on this stage both Mistrust and Timorous were burned through the tongue with an hot iron, for endeavouring to hinder Christian in his journey.

Then said Mercy, This is much like to the saying of the Beloved, What shall be given unto thee? or what shall be done unto thee, thou false tongue? Sharp Arrows of the mighty, with coals of juniper.


God does gives bodily rest to women pilgrims so that they can enjoy their God-given material blessings with their families but they have to be careful in the Abor so as not to forget the Roll (Bible) and the bottle of spirits (wine). The bottle of spirits is a dietary drink of wine for the health of family members. Paul told Timothy, "Drink no longer water, but use a little wine for thy stomach's sake and thine often infirmities (I Tim.5:23).

While relaxing in the Arbor, godly women should not forget to read and meditate on the Word of God and to pray, though it is a place of rest to them who labor.

The bottle of spirits is a dietary drink of wine for the health of family members. Paul told Timothy, "Drink no longer water, but use a little wine for thy stomach's sake and thine often infirmities (I Tim.5:23). Pomegranate is a special type of fruit good for the health or women and family members. Pomegranate juice contains higher levels of antioxidants than most other fruit juices. It also has three times more antioxidants than red wine and green tea. The antioxidants in pomegranate juice can help remove free radicals, protect cells from damage, and reduce inflammation. Women have to take care of the food habits of their families. Honey-comb is another diet for women and family members. The fatty alcohols that honeycomb is made of appear to significantly lower bad cholesterol and raise good cholesterol, according to a review published in the March 2004 issue of the journal Experimental Biology and Medicine.

Diet consisting of wine, pomegranate, honeycomb is good for our health.

Abor is a must for all God's people to relax with their family members and to take care of their health. God's full time ministers engaged in preaching in many places without rest have to relax in the Abor. Women have the major role to play in the Abor.

While taking bodily rest in the Abor, they have to be spiritually awake. "I sleep, but my heart waketh: it is the voice of my beloved that knocketh, saying, Open to me, my sister, my love, my dove, my undefiled: for my head is filled with dew, and my locks with the drops of the night". (Song of Solomon 5:2).

In the Song of Solomon, the Shulamite now takes a day’s rest from the labour in the garden of King Solomon and, while sleeping, she dreams of her beloved shepherd speaking to her heart. Christ our divine Shepherd manifests His glory in the Abor where we physically relax. Though we sleep, our heart waketh and we can commune with the King of Kings.

Next......The place of lions