House for relief of Pilgrims

Thus now when they had talked away a little more time, they drew nigh to an House which stood in the way, which House was built for the relief of Pilgrims; as you will find more fully related in the First Part of these Records of the Pilgrim's Progress. So they drew on towards the House (the House of the Interpreter); and when they came to the door, they heard a great talk in the House. They then gave ear, and heard, as they thought, Christiana mentioned by name. For you must know that there went along, even before her, a talk of her and her children's going on Pilgrimage. And this thing was the more pleasing to them, because they had heard that she was Christian's wife, that woman who was some time ago so unwilling to hear of going on Pilgrimage. Thus therefore they stood still and heard the good people within commending her, who they little thought stood at the door. At last Christiana knocked as she had done at the Gate before. Now when she had knocked, there came to the door a young Damsel, and opened the door and looked, and behold two women was there.

Damsel: Then said the Damsel to them, With whom would you speak in this place?

Christiana: Christiana answered, We understand that this is a privileged place for those that are become Pilgrims, and we now at this door are such; wherefore we pray that we may be partakers of that for which we at this time are come; for the day, as thou seest, is very far spent, and we are loath tonight to go any further.

Damsel: Pray what may I call your name, that I may tell it to my Lord within?

Christiana: My name is Christiana; I was the wife of that Pilgrim that some years ago did travel this way, and these be his four children. This maiden also is my companion, and is going on Pilgrimage too.

Innocent: Then ran Innocent in (for that was her name) and said to those within, Can you think who is at the door? There is Christiana and her children and her companion, all waiting for entertainment here. Then they leaped for joy, and went and told their master.

So he came to the door, and looking upon her, he said, Art thou that Christiana whom Christian the good-man left behind him, when he betook himself to a Pilgrim's life?

Christiana: I am that woman that was so hard-hearted as to slight my husband's troubles, and that left him to go on in his journey alone, and these are his four children; but now I also am come, for I am convinced that no way is right but this

Interpreter: Then is fulfilled that which is written of the man that said to his son, Go work to-day in my Vineyard; and he said to his father, I will not; but afterwards repented and went.

Christiana: Then said Christiana, So be it, Amen. God make it a true saying upon me, and grant that I may be found at the last of him in peace without spot and blameless.

Interpreter: "But why standest thou thus at the door? Come in, thou daughter of Abraham. We were talking of thee but now, for tidings have come to us before how thou art become a Pilgrim. Come children, come in; come maiden, come in". So he had them all into the House.

So when they were within, they were bidden to sit down and rest them; the which when they had done, those that attended upon the Pilgrims in the House, came into the room to see them. And one smiled, and another smiled, and they all smiled for joy that Christiana was become a Pilgrim. They also looked upon the boys: they stroked them over the faces with the hand, in token of their kind reception of them. They also carried it lovingly to Mercy, and bid them all welcome into their Master's House.

After a while, because supper was not ready, the Interpreter took them into his significant rooms, and shewed them what Christian, Christiana's husband, had seen some time before. Here therefore they saw the man in the Cage, the man and his dream, the man that cut his way through his enemies, and the picture of the biggest of them all, together with the rest of those things that were then so profitable to Christian.


The house of Interpreter is meant for both Christian and Christiana. Interpreter in addition to the rooms shown to Christian takes Christiana and her companions to some more "significant" rooms. Womenfolk need to be shown more and special care than men in the deliverance ministry. The children of God on pilgrimage do find close fellowship in local churches and pastors of these churches should function as Interpreter for pilgrims righty dividing the word of truth. There ought to be two types of ministers in a local church. A senior minister likened to the Interpreter should be well versed with the Word of God so as to interpret it rightly. The other minister likened to the damsel serves the people in the church like Stephen in the early church. This minister (pastor) must have the distinct quality of being innocent like a dove.

A local church should serve as the house of relief for pilgrims. It is a temporary resting place for the weary travellers bound for the Celestial City. Pastors have to provide relief to the weary travellers by service and teaching.

Next....Man with Muck-rake in his hand