Journey through the Bible

So they took Christiana her children and Mercy, into the closet, and shewed them one of the apples that Eve did eat of and that she also did give to her husband, and that for the eating of which they both were turned out of Paradise, and asked her what she thought that was? Then Christiana said, 'Tis food or poison, I know not which. So they opened the matter to her, and she held up her hands and wondered.

When the family where Christiana was, saw that they had a purpose to go forward, they called the whole house together, to give thanks to their King for sending of them such profitable guests as these. Which done, they said to Christiana, And shall we not shew thee something, according as our custom is to do to Pilgrims, on which thou mayest meditate when thou art upon the way?

Then they had her to a place, and shewed her Jacob's ladder. Now at that time there were some Angels ascending upon it. So Christiana looked and looked, to see the Angels go up, and so did the rest of the company. Then they were going in to another place to shew them something else, but James said to his mother, Pray bid them stay here a little longer, for this is a curious sight. So they turned again, and stood feeding their eyes with this so pleasant a prospect. After this they had them into a place where did hang up a golden anchor, so they bid Christiana take it down, For, said they, you shall have it with you, for 'tis of absolute necessity that you should, that you may lay hold of that within the vail, and stand steadfast, in case you should meet with turbulent weather. So they were glad thereof. Then they took them, and had them to the Mount upon which Abraham our father had offered up Isaac his son, and shewed them the altar, the wood, the fire, and the knife, for they remain to be seen to this very day. When they had seen it, they held up their hands and blessed themselves, and said, Oh what a man for love to his Master, and for denial to himself was Abraham. After they had shewed them all these things, Prudence took them into the dining-room, where stood a pair of excellent virginals, so she played upon them, and turned what she had shewed them into this excellent song, saying,

Eve's Apple we have shew'd you,

Of that be you aware;

You have seen Jacob's Ladder too,

Upon which Angels are.

An Anchor you received have,

But let not these suffice,

Until with Abr'am you have gave Your best a Sacrifice.

Now about this time, one knocked at the door; so the Porter opened, and behold Mr Great-heart was there; but when he was come in, what joy was there? For it came now fresh again into their minds, how but a while ago he had slain old Grim Bloody-man the Giant, and delivered them from the lions.

Then said Mr Great-heart to Christiana and to Mercy, My Lord has sent each of you a bottle of wine, and also some parched corn, together with a couple of pomgranates. He has also sent the boys some figs and raisins to refresh you on your way.

Then they addressed themselves to their journey, and Prudence and Piety went along with them. When they came at the gate, Christiana asked the Porter if any of late went by? He said, No, only one some time since, who also told me that of late there had been a great robbery committed on the King's Highway, as you go; but he saith the thieves are taken, and will shortly be tried for their lives. Then Christiana and Mercy were afraid, but Matthew said, Mother fear nothing, as long as Mr Great-heart is to go with us and to be our conductor.

Then said Christiana to the Porter, Sir, I am much obliged to you for all the kindnesses that you have shewed me since I came hither, and also for that you have been so loving and kind to my children. I know not how to gratify your kindness. Wherefore pray as a token of my respects to you, accept of this small mite. So she put a gold angel in his hand, and he made her a low obeisance, and said, Let thy garments be always white, and let thy head want no ointment. Let Mercy live and not die, and let not her works be few. And to the boys he said, Do you fly youthful lusts, and follow after godliness with them that are grave and wise, so shall you put gladness into your mother's heart, and obtain praise of all that are sober-minded. So they thanked the Porter and departed.


Pilgrims need to be taken back to the Old Testament stories in the past history and taught by rightly interpreting these stories in today’s context. We need pastors to open doors of their churches to right preachers like Great Heart who lead the pilgrims in the right path to the Celestial City. The ministry of Great Heart is not only to fight spiritual battles for pilgrims against the devil holding the two-edged Sword of the Spirit but also to take care of their spiritual and material needs. Great Heart offered bottle of wine, and also some parched corn, together with a couple of pomegranates. He also sent the boys some figs and raisins to refresh them on their way.

The bottle of wine represents the Holy Communion in a church. As we partake in this divine communion, we get healed in our bodies. Many old people due to old age would get healed as they go to the altar for receiving the bread and the wine. Messages on the importance of this important service in our churches should be given.

Pomegranate, an important fruit for good health, represents such spiritual food that imparts spiritual health so as to discern parasites (by way of false doctrines injected by the False Prophet/Apollyon) in our spiritual body and in the Body of Christ.

Fig fruit represents prophetic warning as given by Jesus to the fig tree which did not give fruits when He sought the same. Young believers need to be given prophetic warnings so as to help discern false doctrines as they grow in spiritual life.

Raisins meant for young children represent such spiritual food being given to young believers that would lead to their spiritual growth. Paul told Corinthians, "I gave you milk, not solid food, for you were not yet ready for it. Indeed, you are still not ready". (1 Corinthians 3:2).

In local churches, material needs of the people of God should be taken care of, like the Palace Beautiful where there were community services. Widows and poor saints should be taken special care of. Like the Charity minister, in the Palace Beautiful, local churches should have kitchens to feed the hungry and the destitute. In India, Gurdwara, the religious place of Sikhs offer free food 24 x 7 and also shelter. Local churches should offer all kinds of help and advices to their congregation members in regard to education and job opportunities.

The Porter did not charge any money from pilgrims in the Lodge for the services rendered to the latter. However, Christiana offered a small mite to the Porter which he accepted with a grateful heart by blessing her. The Porter made Christiana a low obeisance gift while accepting her gift. Today, pastors expect obeisance from their congregation members. Many celebrity preachers and pastors seek intercessory prayers from unknown followers by sending corporate prayer requests. But in the Palace Beautiful, Christiana while thanking Watchful, the Porter, blessed him from the bottom of her heart quoting the word of God and prayed for him. True blessing comes to a minister who would be blessed by those who have benefited from his or her ministry.

We find pastors extract tithes and offerings from the Lord's sheep by quoting wrongly the Old Testament books. Evangelists exhort people to donate to their ministries. However, the Evangelist of the Pilgrim's Progress right from his first appearance until his last farewell to pilgrims never took a single penny from them.

Pilgrims did not stay in the Porter’s Lodge permanently as they departed. Today, selfish pastors compel pilgrims to stay in their churches permanently without telling them that they have to proceed to the Celestial City.

Next.....Piety going back