Piety going back

Now I saw in my dream that they went forward until they were come to the brow of the Hill, where Piety bethinking herself, cried out, Alas! I have forgot what I intended to bestow upon Christiana and her companions, I will go back and fetch it. So she ran and fetched it. While she was gone, Christiana thought she heard in a grove a little way off on the right hand, a most curious, melodious note, with words much like these,

Through all my Life thy Favour is

So frankly shew'd to me,

That in thy House for evermore

My dwelling-place shall be.

And listening still she thought she heard another answer it, saying,

For why? The Lord our God is good, His Mercy is for ever sure; His Truth at all times firmly stood,

And shall from age to age endure. So Christiana asked Prudence what 'twas that made those curious notes? They are, said she, our country birds; they sing these notes but seldom, except it be at the Spring, when the flowers appear, and the sun shines warm, and then you may hear them all day long. I often, said she, go out to hear them, we also oft-times keep them tame in our house. They are very fine company for us when we are melancholy, also they make the woods and groves and solitary places, places desirous to be in.

By this time Piety was come again; so she said to Christiana, Look here, I have brought thee a scheme of all those things that thou hast seen at our house, upon which thou mayest look when thou findest thyself forgetful, and call those things again to remembrance for thy edification and comfort.


We need humble ministers like Piety, Prudence and Charity to minister to pilgrims. A local church is likened to a lodge in the Pilgrim's Progress where all kinds of services are offered to pilgrims. Piety went back and fetched a note for Christiana for remembering all those lessons she had learnt in their house so that she and her companions may not forget them for their edification and comfort. This kind of service is missing in all our churches. Pastors expect their congregations to take notes of messages but do not take pains to give them brief notes of their sermons. Pastors think that pilgrims who are bound for the Celestial City are permanent residents in their churches.

Prudence gives a description of the land of Beulah to Christiana about the spring, the melodious songs of birds, etc. without boasting of what has happened in the Palace Beautiful (likened to a church). The land of Beulah, the Promised Land, is located at the end of the road to the Celestial City. Ministers in the Porter's lodge or the Palace Beautiful had already entered this land. After entering into the Promised Land i.e. the land of Beulah, they ministered to the pilgrims who had not entered the land of Beulah. We would learn about this land subsequently.

Next......Valley of Humiliation