AGM Agenda 2016

Agenda Pompey Pluckers AGM 2016 – Thursday 20th October 2016 7:00 p.m. at the Old House at Home

1. Welcome

2. Apologies

3. Minutes of Previous Meeting

4. Matters Arising From Previous Minutes

5. Vote on proposed amendment to section 7 of the Constitution (See bottom pf page)

6. Committee’s Annual Report

7. Presentation of Accounts

8. Adoption of Accounts

9. Choosing a Local Charity (mainly or wholly in Hampshire):

a. Please notify the acting Chair by 6th October 2016, if you intend to propose a contender for next year's charity. A list will be published on our website soon after so that all pluckers can see.

b. At the AGM you’ll have 5 minutes to sell your charity, followed by a vote by all attending. Pluckers unable to attend the AGM may register a proxy vote with the Chairman no later than 7 pm on 16th Oct 2016.

10. Election of Committee (SEE NOTES BELOW)

- If you'd like to join the committee please advise the acting Chair(you'll need a seconder)

10. Any Other Business

11. Closing Remarks


A. Any new items to be voted on at the AGM must be notified to the acting Chair no later than 6th October 2016 (except when these arise from events occurring after this, at the committee's discretion)

B. The AGM agenda is published on the Pluckers web.

C. Our The current constitution can be viewed at:

D. All proposals for changes to the group’s constitution shall be subject to a vote at the AGM. Details of all matters that are subject to a vote at an AGM (including the agenda items listed above) shall be presented to members by posting on the group’s web site at least 14 days before the AGM. Paper copies shall be available on request for members without web access.


Existing wording Section 7:

All monies from collection tins are to be given to the nominated charity and at least 80% of all fees and charges from appearances and performances are to be paid directly to the group's nominated charity at end of the financial year. Any remaining money is retained to support the group’s running and development costs in line with its agreed aims, as defined above.


All monies from collection tins are to be given to the nominated charity. At least 80% of all fees and charges (from appearances and performances) after specified expenses have been taken, are to be paid directly to the group's nominated charity at end of the financial year. These specified expenses, determined by the committee, include public liability insurance and the cost of equipment storage.

Any remaining money is retained to support the group’s running and development costs in line with its agreed aims, as defined above.

Explanation for change: This is to cover a possible situation where we don't receive sufficient fees give 80% after expenses.


Pete Coote (Acting Chair)