2018 AGM Minutes


  1. WELCOME: The meeting opened at 1930 and the Chairman Pete Coote welcomed everyone and thanked them for attending. Those present were: Maggie Spyropolous, Sally Jouhning, Elaine Halsey, Liz Latcham, Jude Child, George Hopkins, Berry Reeves, Ian Lloyd, Helen Deacon, Martin Mason, Bobbie Couzens, Pete Coote, Karen Bevan, Di Houghton, Chris Collier, Ian Maiden, Lyn Browne, David Baker, Liz Felder. Sarah Coote, Simon Green. Rowena Knott, Nickie Anders, Pauline Sandiford
  2. APOLOGIES: were received from: Jean Clack, Sarah Lloyd, Graham Cockburn, Mandie Letchford, Pat LeClerc, Stella Bella, Seb O, Mark Bushnell, Glen Wallace, Colin Palmer
  3. THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING: These were approved.
  4. MATTERS ARISING: There were no matters arising.
  5. THE CHAIRMAN’S ANNUAL REPORT: Pete Coote reported as follows: A bumper year for gigs. From a total of 561 gigs to date, we’ve had 110 gigs since last year’s AGM, the most we’ve ever done in a year. With many customers booking us more than once, we must be doing something right! Last year’s Xmas Cascade gig landed £1286 for Rowans and we’ve just received a Christmas card from them thanking us for our part in their Christmas Fayre. Sadly their summer event was cancelled twice due to bad weather. Pompulele 2018 was the biggest to date with 23 local ukulele groups taking part taking over £1,800. Although collecting for local charities is one of our aims, there are plenty of other benefits from playing and singing. Seeing audiences enjoying themselves is a major factor for our performers. Others just like having a good time, playing for fun on Mondays, Wednesdays or Thursdays. What we do co-ordinating our brain functions improves our mental health, keeps us active and keeps us young. So keep playing. Next year is our 10th Anniversary and we are planning a public event at the Gaiety Bar, South Parade Pier on Sunday 9th June 2019. During the afternoon public and uke groups can enjoy jamming to favourites, then in the evening we’ll close the doors and make it a Pompey Pluckers birthday party.
  6. PRESENTATION AND ADOPTION OF ACCOUNTS: The accounts sheet as prepared and presented by Ian Maiden is attached to these minutes.
  7. CHOOSING A LOCAL CHARITY TO SUPPORT: This year we had three charities nominated; Age Concern; Make; Home Health; As they all seemed very worthy charities, Lyn suggested that we support all three. This was seconded by Chris. Simon suggested that as there were three we should keep them for the next three years.
  8. ELECTION OF THE COMMITTEE: It was agreed that the Committee should continue with the same officers and members as before for another year.
  9. ANNUAL PRIZEGIVING: The Prize for the Plucker who has inspired or contributed the most this year was awarded with pleasure to Liz Latcham.
  10. CHANGES TO THE CONSTITUTION It was difficult organising this year’s AGM in October, which is the month stated in our Constitution. We would like to change this to make it more practical, but aiming for around October time. In part 6; Rules of procedure , having to hold the AGM only in October has become restrictive and impractical for us; a little more flexibility would enable us to meet our constitution. Proposal: Change the first point of procedure from “The group shall hold an AGM in October each year” to “The group shall hold an AGM in autumn of each year”
  11. Closing Remarks Singing strengthens the immune system, is a workout, improves your posture, helps with sleep, is a natural anti-depressant, lowers stress levels, improves mental alertness and widens your circle of friends. Music increases the capacity of your memory, boosts your team skills, teaches you perseverance, enhances your co-ordination, and improves your reading and comprehension skills. As there was no other business the meeting closed with the Chairman’s “Thanks” at 2015.

DATE OF NEXT AGM 3rd October 2019 now Monday 11th November 2019