Sigor irrigation & catchment

The Italian Cooperation hires PLUS-Kenya to deliver vetiver, sisal and trees to Sigor. Together with NECOFA, we train and demonstrate how to protect the catchment.

Vetiver is planted along irrigation furrows, and - as part of a training - a new item to our list of innovations: gully rehab using gunia bags to plug in the slips (and add a few hedges around the gully heads). DRC (Congo)-style.

What we do, however, is not enough. The grazing area (upper catchment) needs to be rehabilitated: to reduce the damage that the runoff can do to the irrigation infrastructure but ALSO: to change the area - now mostly barren - into something more productive e.g. for more meat or dairy goats. We're looking for funds so that this can be started at least when the rains arrive, in April.

Involved in this project are: Christian Makokha (delivery of trees), Jane Wegesa (delivery of sisal and vetiver), Caleb Omolo (delivery of vetiver), with technical advice from Elise Pinners.