Programme & projects

Our objectives:

  1. Enable partners who actually work on the ground: community based organisations, NGOs, private sector: all those who are operational and ready to adopt an innovation to improve the use of land & water resources. Partners should be ready to organise communities, training, coordination with local leaders, up-scaling, project management. See below sub-pages: each on-going project is presented.

  2. Info, experience sharing on innovations through a public platform. Th

  3. is includes technical info, extension / up-scaling approaches, resource mobilization.Lobby for an enabling policy environment for sustainable Land & Water Resource Management, e.g. to get Vetiver System recognized and properly understood in the agricultural sector, and VS be introduced for road works, storm & flood protection, etc.

  4. PLUS-Kenya's own Organizational Development: programme and partnership development, project management, resource mobilization.