Welcome to PLUS-Kenya

Contact PLUS-Kenya

Board members:

John Wanjau Njoroge, Chairperson

M: 0720604820

Jane Wegesa Fraser, Secretary

M: 0725319664

Elise Pinners, Treasurer

Caleb Omolo, Board member

M: 0714943355

Patrick Mukora, Board member

M: 0722844789

Email: pluskenya@gmail.com

PO Box 34972, 00100 Nairobi

PLUS-Kenya is registered:


PLUS-Kenya adheres to principles

of transparency and accountability.

Other Members

Paul Kombo


Christian Makokha


Samwel Teimuge


Follow us on our Facebook page

    • Platform for Land Use Sustainability - PLUS-Kenya is a registered NGO promoting innovations for sustainable land use management. Also home to The Vetiver Network International (TVNI). Training about Vetiver Grass Technology and supplying quality slips.

    • Training, facilitation and demonstrating solutions for sustainable land use management. Several of these solutions include the Vetiver System Technology, Permaculture, Regenerative agriculture, Food forest, etc.

    • We train communities on using simple techniques like Vetiver Grass System (Chrysopogon zizanioides) for rehabilitating Gullies, mines, degraded landscapes, ground cover regeneration, and ground water recharge: Vetiver when planted on contours across slopes; it forms a protective barrier that slows runoff water causing sediment to be deposited. Since the barriers only filter the runoff and do not convey it, water seeps through the hedge, reaching the bottom of the slope at lower velocity without causing any erosion. This is known as the flow-through system. By slowing down runoff water, the hedges formed by grass also enable the water to soak into the ground and replenish underwater tables. Since new roots develop from nodes when buried by trapped sediment, vetiver grass continues to rise with the new ground level. The sediment deposits around the grass usually contain seeds of local plants washed down from elsewhere and the sediment deposit facilitates the re-establishment of such plants, increasing vegetative cover. Planting vetiver grass together with tree seedlings creates a protective hedge to a young tree against erosion destruction beside removing toxins from the soils and increasing nutrients that the young tree needs for rapid growth.

    • Working hand in hand as a team promoting and training on VS applications starting with propagation, on-farm hedge establishment for soil and water conservation, gully rehabilitation, and as a bio-engineering tool in infrastructure protection. We have trained and introduced healthy Vetiver nurseries in driest areas of Kenya (arid and semi-arid) like Kilifi, Voi, Pokot, Turkana, Marsabit, etc. We have set up nurseries and trained communities in neighboring Uganda, Tanzania and South Sudan.

    • PLUS-Kenya is home to The Vetiver Network International (TVNI). http://vetiver.org An NGO Registered in USA, active in +120 countries: highly professional, open-source knowledge network that has researched on the Vetiver System, now overseeing, training and certifying experts on VS applications all over the world, including Kenya. We are certified trainers and suppliers.

Soaking vetiver in 'cowtea" to stimulate root germination

Riverbank protection using vetiver grass

"Tenderly, he looked into the rushing water, into the transparent green,

into the crystal lines of its drawing, so rich in secrets.

Bright pearls he saw rising from the deep, quiet bubbles of air floating on the reflecting surface, the blue of the sky being depicted in it.

With a thousand eyes, the river looked at him, with green ones, with white ones, with crystal ones, with sky-blue ones.

How did he love this water, how did it delight him, how grateful was he to it! In his heart he heard the voice talking, which was newly awaking, and it told him:

Love this water! Stay near it! Learn from it! Oh yes, he wanted to learn from it, he wanted to listen to it.

He who would understand this water and its secrets, so it seemed to him, would also understand many other things, many secrets, all secrets."

Poem from Herman Hesse (extract from Siddhartha)

PLUS-Kenya's core values are guided by a vision on the intrinsic value of functional ecosystems, and in search of solutions that stick and stay, like fertile CLAY:

C: changed paradigm: recognize the value of biodiversity,

L: leading communities to innovate land use at a significant scale, to

A: alter livelihoods in significant ways:

Y: yielding more food and water, sustaining ecosystems for our children.

PLUS-K is an extremely proud associate of The Vetiver Network International; please see the achievements of TVNI, for good reasons prized, and top-rated among the 'Best Non-Profit' 2012 AND AGAIN 'Best Non-Profit' 2013: TVNI achievements and way forward (by Dick Grimshaw)