
Sunday night, empty gym. Time for some X-Wing!

After about 30 min of sorting cards, putting together the minis and forming our team. We were well under way!

Darthraider fielded a duo of YT-1000. The Falcon (Obviously) piloted by Han and Chewie and an unnamed freighter by Lando and Nein Numb.

I had Boba Fett in Slave One taking the charge, alongside a Lamba Shuttle (with a Rebel prisoner on board) and a TIE Interceptor for support.

The Imperial Navy stares down the 2 freighters. My tactic was to take down Han and Chewie first (The one on the right). The ship Lando was piloting looked like it was there mostly for support.

I figured his number one target was my Slave One. I knew I had to lure one of them into my Proximity Mine. Just hope my TIE Interceptor could harass them enough to take the heat off Boba.

Just another random shot cos the FALCON IS DAMN COOL!

Managed to maneuver the Slave to plant a proximity mine directly in Lando's path. Too bad he went first and was able to avoid it next turn!

With Slave One as bait, the TIE Interceptor took pot shots at the Falcon while the Lambda continued to rain fire while soaking Boba's stress tokens.

As the bounty hunter sailed away, both freighters gave pursuit! Little did they know, Slave One can shoot out of his rear! And the Lambda and Interceptor continued to ping away at the Falcon's hulls.

The battle proved too much as Boba continued to evade their combined firepower. The Falcon was soon shot down by a burst of concentrated fire from all 3 ships.

Darthraider conceded after that as Lando flew away.

We switched sides next. He chose to keep my Imperial army, while I opted to make a few changes to his.

Lando took a break while Luke and R2 in Red 5 took up the mantle of escorting the Falcon (with Han & Chewie piloting). A random Awing pilot joined the frey!

Battle was soon joined! As Luke and the Awing carefully avoided the Imperial Navy's blast, Han tried a risky maneuver, attempting to dodge under the Lambda and perform a 360. Unfortunately, the TIE Interceptor was there to block him and caused the Falcon to stop midway, resulting in massive damage from the nearby Slave One.

Overestimating the power of his engines, Boba went full throttle and spiraled out of control, as the unmanned Awing stole the show and blasted the engines right out under him. Great shot, kid, that was one in a million! With the Lambda shuttle drifting off with no way to turn back in time, the Rebel Alliance took the victory.

Awesome game! A rematch is planned for the following week! More updates then!