RA - 11Oct2012

Bored on a Thursday night after having grind a few levels on WoW and retweak my magic deck, I decided to bust out Rune Age and give the solo mode a whirl!

Decided to try out the Cataclysm scenario. Kinda apt since I just got out of WoW. Heh

Which race did I pick? Guess...

Turn 1. Lucky lucky me, drawing 5 gold cards!! Dwarven War Machine - Insta-buy

The first even was Natural Disasters. Not a particular nasty one, I decided to take it on anyway. Since I had all my forge masters in hand, drawing my War Machine was easy! An unlucky roll of the attrition die meant one of my boys had to die, leaving me with my first 3 damage. (Picture shows 2. I added one more later)

Used the rest of my turn to buy some Guardians. Very very useful later on in the game.

The next turn saw this nasty event - Invasion from the Abyss

Ok, I had 8 turns to deal with a 7 Strength enemy. Not hard I thought, it can wait. Proceeded with purchasing Dwarven Strongholds and most Guardians to bolster my army.

Next turn, a Holy War erupted!

Tokens equal to the number of players....that's ONE! And with 5 strength I was fairly certain I could deal with this later when the time comes.

Used my 2 Dwarven Strongholds to obtain a Pillage card.

Next turn, I was greeted by the Army of the Possessed. Ouch, 7 strength. Still I knew I had the cards to defeat it.

Aha! A guardian in hand meant that if my units were to be destroyed, I could wound them instead, lending their strength to the combat. They would still have to be destroyed AFTER combat of course.

Rolled a skull on Attrition Die, meant that my poor War Machine had to be wounded. However, the special rules led it to my discard pile instead of being destroyed!!

Recycling my hand, I drew it again! Along with Guardian no. 2! Time to stop the Holy War. Having only 4 cards really hurt.

Next turn, I drew Conflagration. Not too deadly, I can live with that.

Spent the turn buying the last Stronghold and a Naga

Next turn, the Prince of Abyss shows up....making sure I wasted my turn battling him. Easily dispatched of course, look at my hand!

Next turn proved tricky with this event.

Decided to not destroy my cities. That meant having to fight a 14 strength enemy. Good thing was, no attrition die

Not exactly what I wanted. 8 vs 14, meant I still had to take 6 damage. Ouch

Still, it allowed me to clear my hand and finally get my first Demon!!

Next turn - Plague of Vermin

Decided to take the 5 damage.

Ouch ouch, this and the 6 before, with the constant damage from Conflagration, meant my Homeworld has taken quite a beating. Not a good sign for the Dwarves.

2 more damage and I'm out of the game!

Only need to survive for a couple more turns!

With 6 tokens already on the Invasion from the Abyss, I decided to take out that nasty dragon once and for all.

Easy Peasie.

OMG What a nasty event! I had to get rid of it before it starts recycling everything.

With no Guardians in hand, I knew I had to take a risk.

Woot! Rolled a BLANK on the Attrition die! This meant no one had to die this combat! (Except for the Master of the Hunt of course)

Last turn, I just had to survive this card to win the game!

Not a bad drawback seeing as how it's the last card!

POW 2 demons and no dwarves in hand. Still, I had to take one damage. ONE damage, this put my final damage total to....

Phew! I won with such a close close margin....

Rune Age, can't wait to get this on the games tables with the guys!!