7W - 07Aug2012

7 Wonders 7th August 2012

This was actually the 2nd game of 7 wonders this evening. The first ended in disaster as both Pavvo & Darthraider were caught with illegal buildings and had to forfeit the game. Nevertheless, the duo pushed on, with Darthraider changing seats and promising to "play his game and not screw people" and Pavvo being more vigilant of his buildings. :)

Also the game provided a good chance to show off Pavvo's latest purchase of the awesome 7 Wonders Ipad App

The Players (Roma is Pavvo...forgot to change)

Surprisingly, Wcgoh took the "B" side of brussels which stated that the winner must buy him a cold glass of beer.

Onto the game! Note: Gameplay will only focus on Pavvo's point of view. All picks will be the last card in my hand (the one showing the full card face)

Pre-game Leaders draft

Taking Roma meant that my focus this game had to be on the leaders and to play around them. After a round of drafting, I ended up with the above leaders. Not a lot to go on :( but I still had my Wonder's ability to draw 4 leaders to fall back on. This time, I decided to take a different path from my previously played games and play more production buildings. I played Praxiteles as my first leader and aimed to build more Gray/Brown production buildings (and hope to draw the other leader that awarded VP for brown buildings)


An obvious choice since I was going for Gray buildings.

The next turn, I decided to take a production building that would help to construct the first step of my Wonder - The Timber Yard.

More production buildings! I'd better draw that leader!

At this point, I decided the Mines would have to be the last production building I take this round.

Not very good picks, but decided to build a workshop, in case my plans for production fell through, I could go the Science route (also, it would help if I had some military in Age II)

Paid Wcgoh 2 gold for the glass required to build the Workshop. This brought my gold down to 0. (1 for the leader, 3 for the brown production buildings played earlier and 2 for the glass)

Ok, time to see what I'll get!! Last turn of Age I, I used the Altar as part of my building materials for the first stage of my Wonder. Also managed to get more gold thanks to sale of my resources to Wcgoh and Cavalock.

Not good....not good at all. None of the leaders I drew played into my production strategy. Urgggh. Forced to change my plans, I decided to focus on Science instead.

My board at the end of Age I

Luckily enough, none of my neighbours built up any military, so we were on par with that. Phew.


Decided to play the leader that makes my Science buildings cheaper by one. FOR SCIENCE!!

NO SCIENCE!! Boo. Took the Glassworks, at least it aids my initial idea of a production strat. And like Techun said, "You won't ever see those cards again."



SCIENCE!! ...wait...it's a school. Can't play it because i already had a school. Used it as part of construction for Wonder Part II! I should mention that in the previous turns, wcgoh had been buying resources off me and I had quite a fair bit of $$.

Used the wonder and put into play a leader that provided a science icon.

Oh looky. Did not expect a resource to show up this late! Woot for me, another 2 VP!

Nothing fantastic on my last pick. Can't even remember what the card was that I discarded.

End of Age II, my board looked like this...

Military wasn't my strong suit and I had racked up a couple of -1s.


Opted to play Xenophon as my Age III leader as I still had one more free leader play via the Wonder

8 VP and enough resources to power it on my own? Why, yes thank you.

Boo. No science again! Hmm, with Cavalock and Wcgoh fully built up on Wonders, I took the guild card, easily netting me 7 VP.

Urgggh, hate hands like this!! 2 science and a yellow building that could net me more due to the multitude of brown production buildings I had. Decided on the yellow.

You know, I really gotta start sticking to my strat. But this delicious 6 VP building distracted me!!! And I never had a game where I could build using MY own resources! Heh.

Easy pick this one, with about 30 gold on hand.

It was at this point I was, "Crap! My wonder!" I had forgotten all about building the last phase of it! The last pass, I grabbed that tempting guild, shoved it under my Wonder, threw away the other, and cried a little inside.

My board at the end of the game

And the FINAL score....<DRUM ROLL>


Phew, what a game...

The last 2 games of 7 wonders taught us a lot, but we all walked away with 3 key conclusions

1) Always watch what Pavvo builds (especially when he's taking pictures and whatsapp-ing at the same time)

2) Darthraider claims he can't play drafting games

3) Cavalock owes Wcgoh a nice cold glass of beer :)

Till next time!