Elder Signs - 19Dec2013

A quick 2 player Co-op game of Elder Signs before we venture into "Legoland!" (Pirated)

The game began with 4 brave investigators

Mandy and Bob - controlled by Pavvo

and Kate and Gloria (Controlled by Cavalock)

Due to Cavalock's mutant powers, we actually had a VERY good pick of investigators. despite them being randomly distributed. And to top it off, here's our bad guy

The drawback seemed fairly inconsequential, seeing as how our guys benefit more from their special abilities and common items. Gloria doesn't even need items to roll the extra yellow and red dice in Other Worlds

We went into the game very confident of our chances!

Turn 1, saw Bob taking a MASSIVE terror hit but coming back fully healed with lots of toys!

Even the doom deck was awesome! We hardly got the doom counter even close to losing, and with Kate's special ability of ignoring monsters, we wipe the board clean almost every turn!

Yay for Kate!

Suffice to say, the game ended very quickly (30 mins or so) with the investigators winning at almost full health and sanity! Take that Cthulu!!

Definitely one to play again! More play-by-plays coming!