CTX is Back in 2018
Post date: Jan 22, 2018 11:33:44 PM
Our BSA Council Circle Ten will be hosting their 2nd-ever Circle Ten eXperience (CTX), an event exclusively for Scouts of all ages, this coming November at Texas Motor Speedway. 2015 was the first ever of its kind here in North Texas with record breaking attendance for a council hosted event!
The council took over Texas Motor Speedway from November 13-15, 2015. Scouts had the opportunity to participate in over 50 program activities including climbing walls, archery, and bubble ball. The Mikanakawa Lodge of the Order of Arrow had a spectacular Indian village set up complete with full regalia, hot air balloons, dancing, tee pees, and beadwork. Medieval Times Dinner & Tournament - Dallas was even present for midday entertainment (in the form of jousting!) at the dirt track.
Pack 1776 will be coordinating a day-only visit. Although we encourage Webelos patrols to attach to a Troop attending CTX for a weekend campout at the speedway.
For more information check out: http://circleten.org/CTX2.