Brecks Earth Heritage Trail

The Brecks (otherwise known as the Breckland) is one of the great natural areas of Britain. It covers some 940 km2 (370 sq m) in Norfolk and Suffolk. It has a fascinating Earth heritage, with a story of early human settlement set against a geological backdrop of millions of years of environmental change.

The Brecks Earth Heritage Trail aims to introduce 18 points of interest chosen for their publicly accessible geodiversity features, including geology, landforms and soils, and their links with Palaeolithic archaeology and wildlife.

Trail resources include a book, backed up by a smartphone app, a leaflet and web pages.

The project has been funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund, through the Breaking New Ground Landscape Partnership initiative.

Download a 44-page book in PDF format (11 Mb) by clicking the blue arrow link below.

Download a smartphone app (iPhone and Android) here.

Visit the Trail web pages here.

Download a leaflet in PDF format here.