2 Embedding

Embedding geodiversity in plans, policies and practice

The plans and policies of governmental bodies and other organisations such as quarry companies have an impact on geodiversity features. We need to promote geodiversity conservation and enhancement by reviewing and contributing to plans and policies and day-to-day practice, wherever possible.

This work involves responding in detail to public consultations, and may involve recommending policy formulations and providing outreach information.

Local planning policy consultations

Members of the NGP have been involved in responding to many planning policy consultations as part of Local Development Framework and Minerals & Waste Development Framework processes. Until recently this work has been carried out within the framework of 'Planning Policy Statement 9: Biodiversity and Geological Conservation' (PPS9), but this has been replaced by the new National Planning Policy Framework

This states that 

Other advisory documents retained (at least for the time being) are:

National policy consultations

The NGP has been active in responding to consultations on national policy.

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Supplementary Planning Guidance

An SPG document 'Geodiversity in Planning' has been prepared for use by local planners to help them conserve and enhance geodiversity as part of their work. 

Download the document by clicking the box icon at the bottom of this page.

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)

Members of the NGP have been developing and testing a Sensitivity Assessment Methodology for use in EIA in Norfolk. A wide range of geodiversity assets are affected by development such as mineral extraction, flood prevention, road building, urban development, landfill, agriculture. Assets include geology, landforms and land-forming processes, soil and water resources; also the geosystem services which maintain the biosphere and human life in all its aspects.

'Environmental Impact Assessment – A guide to procedures' (ODPM 2000) sets out the ground rules for EIA in the UK. The preparation of an environmental statement is mandatory for a range of development projects that are classified as ‘EIA development’ in schedules 1 or 2 (Appendices 2 & 3). Elements of geodiversity listed for description and assessment (Appendix 5) include:

EIA is commissioned by developers or their agents. It is frequently requested by planners for ecological, hydrological, archaeological and landscape character assets, so some aspects of geodiversity are thus routinely included in EIA. However impact on the full range of Earth heritage and geosystem assets is not routinely carried out. 

A copy of the Sensitivity Assessment Methodology can be downloaded  in PDF format by clicking the box below. We would be pleased to hear from anyone with experience of carrying out EIA for geodiversity in their work, and anyone interested in discussing the way that EIA legislation is currently being applied.

A case study of a boatyard development in the Norfolk Broads has been carried out to demonstrate an integrated Geodiversity Impact Assessment in action. Please contact us for details.

Click PDF link below to download files.

1) Sensitivity Assessment Methodology                                                2) Supplementary Planning Guidance                                                        3) NPPF Consultation response, 2011

NGP - SPG Geodiversity in Planning v4c.pdf
NGP response to Draft NPPF consultation.pdf