
Norfolk's Earth Heritage - Valuing our geodiversity

A landmark publication on Norfolk’s Earth heritage and the need to conserve it.

  • Provides a concise yet readable introduction to Norfolk's geodiversity and why it is an important resource for life today.

  • Explains the business of geoconservation, and promotes a Geodiversity Action Plan for the county, calling for a partnership of like-minded organisations and individuals to take it forward.

  • Includes a range of useful resources, including advice for planners.

'Norfolk's Earth Heritage' will provide a source of information and inspiration for years to come.

  • Published by the Norfolk Geodiversity Partnership, 2010, with financial support from Breckland District Council, the Geological Society of Norfolk, Natural England, Norfolk Biodiversity Information Service and the Strategic Waste Section at Norfolk County Council.

  • Text by Tim Holt-Wilson. A4 format, 74 pp. ISBN 978-1-84754-216-8.

How to get a copy

  • Paper copies are now out of print, but can be borrowed via the Norfolk Library Service catalogue.

  • For a digital copy in PDF format (three parts), downloadable from the NBIS website.