Web 2.0 Resources

Where do we go from here? After today's class you may want to check out these great resources for technology integration.

1. All of Frank's BLOGS can be found on the Mountain Lakes blogs page: ML Curriculum, student trips (Barcelona or Prague), our MODEL CURRICULUM site, the ML PARCC Sandbox, our AchieveTraining site, a Memorial Day Commemoration & ML History (QR Code centennial project).

2. In these short video tutorials from KQED learn the basics for how to use free online tools for teaching and learning. The following tools can be incorporated into the classroom to convey information visually, make persuasive arguments and allow for a variety of collaborative opportunities. The tools include funny memes, mashups with trio, media creations with Meograph, vine, literacy creation with Medium, the power of hashtags, and much more!

PLUS check out this Google FOLDER of tools including symbaloo, voicethread, etc!

3. To make/share collaborative presentations: MoveNote, VoiceThread, PearDeck, SlideShare, ThingLink (interactive images), GLOGSTERedu (Online Posters), timeline apps, and Blendspace (virtual learning station),

4. To make tutorials: VideoScribe, SnagIt, Jing, Show Me app & ScreenChomp Snagit Example:


5. LiveBinders are great to share resources among colleagues. Here is a neat LiveBinder that showcases Web 2.0 resources.

6. The Common Craft Videos are very helpful departmental tutorials for teachers. Check out the videos dealing with Social Media and the Workplace,, Twitter, Social Media & Podcasting.

7. For scheduling, try Google Calendar, Doodle, and/or TeamUp.

8. For Formative Assessment tools, try the "backchannel" Today'sMeet, Kahoot, Vocaroo (audio recordings), and/or Poll Everywhere. For those looking to replace Zaption, Vizia is a viable alternative for creating interactive video content.

9. Do I need to use Skype? http://www.freetech4teachers.com/2010/01/3-ways-other-than-skype-to-bring.html?showComment=1262622665098&m=0#.WFhoLrYrJPM

10. BEYOND THE BINDER: How can devices be used in the classroom for activities beyond taking notes or sharing files? Sabba Quidwai, Director of Innovative Learning at USC’s Keck School of Medicine, teams up with John Hopkins University doctoral student Beth Holland to offer professor and student perspectives on three ways to encourage deeper learning with digital tools.

11. Animated videos. The concept behind Animatron is similar to that of Wideo and Powtoon. You drag and drop characters on a background scene and then choose how long each character will be displayed on the screen. Plus, there's https://goanimate.com/ . Check out videoscribe -- here's a student example.