Google Resources

Here are some additional resources & Google tools including the Google for Educators webpage.

1. Google Sites used in a local school district:

2. Richard Byrne's Google Challenge Activities.

3. Learn how other schools are using Google Apps. Plus there's a Google Apps writing tip sheet too.

4. Google Forms are very helpful as well by combining excel & word.

5. Simply Google has the following mission: "Google is so big nowadays, its very easy to lose track of all the services, products, and pages they provide us. Simply Google managed to summarize all of those things into one single page. is a roundup of every Google search and service out there on one convenient page.For those people who don't have time to learn the shortcuts or creating smart keywords, this page puts everything Google has to offer on one page."

6. ePortfolio Mash Up with GoogleApps is a great resource by Helen C. Barrett. Additional sites by Dr. Barrett follow:

7. Blogger or WordPress Blogs: Mountain Lakes Curriculum or MLHS Tech Blog