7. Apps for Educators


Look at your agenda from the past few days. Create a list of 5-10 things you did. Then look at the list and brainstorm with the person next to you if "there's an app for that." We will then share some of these key productivity apps that can help us become more efficient building and curricular leaders. Also, review the guidelines for choosing apps that come from Justin Baeder's Essential iPad Guide for Principals.


  1. Are you ready for technology standards for administrators? Let's check them out. ISTE TECH STANDARDS
  2. We are members of ASCD. So, let's go to the magazine articles below to check out articles on WHY our teachers should use mobile technology.


  1. Tech guru Richard Byrne is an incredible asset whose Free Tech for Teachers is a great website. Check out his iPad Apps 4 Schools OR his Android Apps 4 Schools websites to keep on top of new apps.
  2. I always highlight apps for my teachers at our district's technology blog. After all, communication is one of the ISLLC standards.
  3. APP Advice is also an incredible resource, especially their website AppGuides. (Plus, its AppsGoneFree website is pretty cool, too!)


Go to the AppGuide website and click on Productivity. Once there, look for your best option for a calendar, GoogleDocs, and note-taking.

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