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Truths About HIPPA and FERPA: Blog Post 1/7/2020

Google's FUTURE OF THE CLASSROOM Report (August 2019)

ASCD Feb 2019 Issue

The NJDOE is pleased to announce InnovateExchange, a new online collaboration portal that permits educators to connect with other educators throughout the state. The program began three years ago with an initial cohort of districts, and is now being expanded to include all interested districts. By bringing together like-minded educators and administrators in an environment of openness and collaboration, more educators will be able to implement and scale next-generation models of teaching and learning.

40 Most Popular Ed-Tech Tools in K-12 (December 2017)

The internet is an amazing tool for teaching and learning. But, before we can teach students to harness its power and become good citizens of the web, we need to understand how it works and how it can be manipulated to mislead and even harm users. Our brand-new framework, lessons, videos and PD resources can help you get started today!

What is on the five-year horizon for K-12 schools worldwide? Which trends and technologies will drive educational change? What are the challenges that we consider as solvable or difficult to overcome, and how can we strategize effective solutions?

Makerspaces represent the democratization of design, engineering, fabrication, and education.

"On Social Media, Principals Fight Losing Battle to Keep Up With Students" EDweek April 2018

COPPA and Schools: The (Other) Federal Student Privacy Law, Explained EDweek 2017

Why Are More American Teenagers Than Ever Suffering From Severe Anxiety?

Parents, therapists and schools are struggling to figure out whether helping anxious teenagers means protecting them or pushing them to face their fears.

Have Smartphones Destroyed a Generation?

More comfortable online than out partying, post-Millennials are safer, physically, than adolescents have ever been. But they’re on the brink of a mental-health crisis.

Educators and administrators from three K-12 school systems discuss how they're using online educational resources to transform teaching and learning.

Educators are borrowing from escape rooms and are using breakout boxes to encourage students to collaborate, use what they've learned in class and break into a box secured by multiple locks.

Robots are playing a bigger role in the classroom, making lessons more active, kinesthetic and play-based.

How one district is deploying robots to embody concepts in science, math, ELA and social studies.

More are adopting policies that make sites more available to those with disabilities; however, the future is uncertain under a new administration.

Using Technology to Improve Schools and Learning I

Using Technology to Improve Schools and Learning II

Using Technology to Improve Schools and Learning III

Using Technology Assessment Module