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ASCD Special Report: Building a Data-driven Culture

How can schools use data to drive conversations about student outcomes? How can school leaders build trust for new initiatives with educators, parents, students and the community?

In this ASCD SmartBrief special report, we focus on news about these issues, including using data to improve instruction and lead discussions around performance and goal-setting. We feature a Q&A with principal Robert Rayburn. And we've included a section highlighting tips for change leaders.

Collaboration, communication help drive data-driven culture

In this interview, Robert Rayburn, principal of Chavez Elementary School in Norwalk, Calif., discusses ways school leaders can help create a data-driven culture. He highlights the importance of making time for teacher collaboration and the need to bring parents into the data conversation.SmartBrief/SmartBlog on Education (4/3)

How districts are making student data work

School districts profiled in this article are using student data to enhance teaching and learning. Strategies include using data to provide instant feedback to students and parents as well as using data from formative assessments to help students make academic progress. T.H.E. Journal (4/1)

School district uses goals, data to drive differentiation

Goals and data can help drive differentiated learning for students and teachers, asserts Mark Garrison, a technology director. In this blog post, he highlights how his district uses this principle. "Measures of teachers and student technology use, access and skills help us benchmark our effectiveness and make adjustments throughout the year," he writes.SmartBrief/SmartBlog on Education (3/17)

Report highlights ways to create student-centered schools

Blended learning and competency-based education can support personalized learning, but such a shift will require changes in systems, according to a recent report. Susan Patrick, president and CEO of the International Association for K-12 Online Learning and co-author of the report, offers insight into the findings and a road map for blog (3/25)

Middle school pilots personalized learning

A Wisconsin middle school is transitioning to a personalized-learning model, starting with its fifth-grade class. Teachers provide students with a daily list of learning tasks, and students choose when and how to do them. Teachers also give more direct instruction to those who need it and allow those who have mastered topics to move ahead. Daily Citizen (Beaver Dam, Wis.) (2/28)

Getting your message out (and why it's not enough)

"At its best, public communications is a two-way street. It's both telling and listening, both explaining and absorbing," writes Educational Leadership author Jean Johnson. In a recent article, Johnson explains how neglecting listening can jeopardize trust in public education. She also shares some communication models that can help improve communications between education leaders and the public. Educational Leadership (4/2015)

4 essential practices for building trust

"The presence of trust can enhance an organization's efforts to fulfill its mission, and the lack of trust can constrict those efforts," write educators Julie Peterson Combs, Sandra Harris and Stacey Edmonson. In their April Educational Leadership article, the authors offer four essential guidelines to help school leaders communicate in a way that builds trust. Their first piece of advice is to build trust by understanding trust. Educational Leadership(4/2015)

Getting genuine commitment for change

"The role of a change leader isn't about 'buying' or 'selling' an idea -- it's about generating commitment. This can be really challenging work, especially at the beginning of an initiative," writes leadership coach Marceta Reilly. In her recent Educational Leadership article, Reilly explains how leaders can communicate in a way that moves resistant teachers from grudging compliance to true commitment. Educational Leadership (4/2015)

Should schools use data analytics for hiring?

More schools are using data analytics to make hiring decisions, asserts Jonah Rockoff, a Columbia University associate professor of finance and economics who studies teacher-hiring systems. However, more research is needed to determine whether the programs are effective, he says. District Administration magazine online (3/23)

Colleges use data analytics to keep students on track

A growing number of colleges and universities in the U.S. are using data analytics to help boost graduation rates by determining what obstacles are preventing some students from graduating. Among them is Northern Virginia Community College, which recently launched a high-tech advising system.National Journal (3/10)