Data-Driven Decisions 4

Class Introduction:

For more from the Teaching Channel regarding formative data, check out their Common Formative Assessments.

Part 2: SURVEYS to Propel Data That Can Support Strategic Management

If you're not familiar with Qualtrics, they work with the NJ School Board, Livingston, Hoboken, Hunterdon Central, Hackettstown, Princeton, Rutgers, and almost every university in the state. They help thousands of academic institutions around the nation with data-driven planning initiatives, instructional improvement, and more. To get a better feel for what they do take a look at this dashboard (High School Exit Survey) Austin ISD is using.

YouthTruth is another company that does surveys too.

At Mountain Lakes, we use in-house surveys usually, but we do subscribe to National Student Clearinghouse for graduate data.

ML Alumni Survey (Westwood Profile of Graduate -- Battelle for Kids & 21 by 2021)

Climate & Culture -- NJDOE Teacher, Student, Parents; Montvillie's United Way Youth Empowerment Survey;


Equity & Data -- Check out READING

Data-Driven Decisions 1 Data-Driven Decisions 2 Data-Driven Decisions 3 Data-Driven Decisions 4

Data Module Assessment Practice

Click on the link above to apply your module knowledge with a SLLA Sample Test

& remember to complete the NJEXCEL Module Instructor Evaluation too

Recent Articles (Updated Monthly)

Although your module might be over, come back to this

site for recent articles and/or books on data use in schools