Technology Orientation

Welcome to NJ EXCEL! Follow along through the technology orientation to become better acquainted with the NJEXCEL website. If you missed this session, go to the orientation Moodle Module and sign in as a Guest.


  • If you're new, the NJ Excel Website: User ID is first 2 letters of first name and then last name. It's FrSanchez for me. Then click on "FORGOT PASSWORD."
  • All Model 4 Documents are in Section 12 of the website.
  • For the assessment system, Chalk & Wire, use njexcel as the password.

1. NJ EXCEL website overview

  • Go to the projects page to browse the rubrics and requirements (5c Job Imbedded)
  • Module evaluations (Remember we evaluate entire modules, not single sessions!)
  • Check out the TABS

2. Technology Plan (Section 8A)

  • Send 21-hour plans (see "Technology Plan Requirement Guidelines" handout with 3 options below) for approval to Jennifer Hunsinger via Chalk & Wire
  • If you are doing Plan B or C, then use the "Pre-Assessment" on Atomic Learning website (now called hoonuit). You can find the directions here.
  • Plans should be submitted by August.
  • You can find samples of Plan B & C in Section 8A

3. Chalk & Wire: NJExcel Online Assessment System (Section 8B)

  • All candidate projects get assessed (by different evaluators) on the Chalk & Wire platform--See step-by step handout with screen shots below in the document archive.
  • Please put in correct MODEL # when setting up portfolio

4. Self Assessments (Section 2A)

  • NJExcel is about growth, so establishing a baseline in the beginning of your journey is key
  • There are TWO self assessments: the first is an ONLINE emotional intelligences assessment and the second is this ISLLC Standard pre-test found in DOCUMENTS 2 or see below. (Here is the Google Sheet version.)

CLOSURE: NJ EXCEL Technology Requirements