Technology Assessment Module ANSWERS

1. The answer is (C) arranging for teachers who are successfully using the new technologies to serve as models and mentors for the reluctant teachers.

2. The answer is (B) recommending that the committee periodically reevaluate the plan and revise it as needed to take advantage of new innovations and opportunities.

3. This question tests the school leader's knowledge of providing students with equal access to school resources. It is unlikely the principal has taken a position denying any group of students use of the computer lab (A), so a change in position is not warranted. Responses (C) and (D) would not apply when the decision involves guaranteeing students equal educational opportunities, which is prescribed by law. Providing equal access is the most likely reason for the principal to change the schedule of the computer lab when made aware of the situation. Therefore, the correct answer is (B).

4. This question tests the school leader's ability to implement the best approach for increasing students' access to technology. (A) is incorrect because it may or may not result in increased computer accessibility for students. (B) is incorrect because this would require the public library personnel to screen computer users. (C) is incorrect because it is not the school's responsibility to provide families with computer access. The best choice is (D). The school's computer lab provides students with both access to the Internet and staff members who can help students.

5. This question emphasizes the importance of involving teachers as the initial step for standardizing the science curriculum. Involving staff members in decision making helps school leaders create a shared vision. Response (A) is incorrect because standardizing teaching methods does not guarantee success in learning; (B) does not meet the focus of the question; and (D) refers to materials, not instructional improvement. Thus, (C) is the correct option.

6. This question emphasizes the ability of the school leader to prioritize tasks involved in the process of redesigning a course of study. While

responses (A), (B), and (C) are important, they are not the main emphasis. Response (D) is, thus, the correct answer because effective visions help individuals understand that they are part of a larger world and also reassure them of their individual importance to the organization.

7. This question focuses on the importance of demonstrating how the new curriculum will be beneficial to both students and teachers. This will make it less likely for the teachers to resist the change. Focusing on how the new curriculum will benefit the other parties as stated in responses (A), (B), and (D) will not ensure the least resistance from teachers. When teachers see the connection between their goals and the task at hand, they will be more likely to respond to changes. Response (C) thus is the correct answer.

8. This question asks you to apply your understanding of effective strategies to help determine the effectiveness of a program. Responses (B) and (D) focus on attitude, which offers a subjective perspective about whether a program is successful or not. Response (C) is a strategy that would help promote success but not be able to evaluate success. The correct response is thus (A), since data on student achievement would provide evidence of the improved areas.

9.This question addresses the need for clear communication between the administrator and the stakeholders. The response choices provide guidelines that promote communication that is professional (A), clear (B), and provides sufficient information (C). But most importantly, the message must be understood by its intended audience. The correct response is (D).

10. This question tests the school leader's knowledge of the purpose and use of acceptable-use policies common to most school districts. Generally, an acceptable-use policy is a set of rules applied by the owner/manager of a network, Web site, or system that regulates the ways in which the network site or system may be used. Responses (B), (C), and (D) describe situations unrelated to computers or computer systems, and therefore would not be subject to an acceptable-use policy. Response (A), the purpose and use of teacher Web sites, relates directly to computers and computer systems. Therefore, the correct answer is (A).

11. This question focuses on the school leader's knowledge of practices that support change. Research indicates that the practices described in (A), (C), and (D) support change by helping participants see personal benefit from the change, by providing support during the change process, and by including them in related decisions. Forcing change by imposing a deadline (B) is likely to increase teachers' resistance rather than reduce it. Therefore, the correct answer is (B).

12. This question focuses on the role of a school leader as a model for lifelong learning. As educators, we must model the behavior we expect from others and be change agents for educational progress. Responses (B), (C), and (D) are all benefits of integrating technology into a school's educational programs and management systems. However, the primary benefit of such integration is modeling how people's ways of learning are constantly changing as a result of outside forces, such as technological advancements. Therefore, the correct answer is (A).

Sample Constructed Response to Question 1

As the new principal, there are several steps that I would take to gain further support and decrease the level of dissatisfaction with the new math program.

First, I would establish monthly math nights. These events would allow parents to attend with their children and participate together in a lesson presented by the teacher. The parents would get a better understanding of the math program and learn how they can help their children at home.

I would also establish a math homework hotline/Google Hangout. This hotline would be staffed by teachers each evening and would be a resource for both students and parents to call with questions and assistance. Besides helping with a particular assignment, this would also be a great way to lessen parents' frustrations with the new program and as a result decrease their dissatisfaction. We should also have a standards-based website that will also questions based on Khan Academy videos.

Another step would be to survey staff to see if they need additional professional development. After the survey results were analyzed, there are many types of professional development that I would use, such as mentors, attending conferences, bringing in outside resources, and visiting nearby schools that have successfully implemented the same math program.

Finally, I would require teachers to increase communication with parents. This could be done by having the teacher write a "math gram" to parents at the beginning of each new unit and sending it out via email or through the school website. The newsletter would explain the concepts of the new unit and give parents ideas on how to do fun math things at home. Students can create video tutorials too.

Commentary on Sample: Score 3

This response demonstrates the complexity of the situation and the need to bring key stakeholders on board for the program to ultimately succeed. It begins by acknowledging that the problem will take multiple steps to solve and that the most pressing need is to increase overall familiarity with and support for the program. The principal seeks to develop shared commitments and responsibilities by establishing math nights and a math homework line. These two actions will bring key stakeholders (parents, teachers, and students) together in ways that will foster greater acceptance of the math program. To increase support for the program among staff, the principal recommends using a professional development survey and identifies several activities that would increase teacher knowledge of the new math program. Finally, the principal will use teachers to communicate the direction of the math program with parents by implementing a regular newsletter. Stakeholder-to-stakeholder communication will strengthen support for the math program. Holistically, the response is clear and organized and the answers given are acceptable and well developed. Overall, this response demonstrates a thorough understanding of how to increase support for a program by developing a shared commitment among stakeholders.

Remember to complete the NJEXCEL Module Instructor Evaluation too at