
What it means to be British






Know Who you are

House of Israel 

"and ye shall leave your name for a curse unto my chosen (  Left to the tribe of Judah see below note 1.) for the Lord God shall slay thee and call his servants by another name"

Isaiah 65: 15

"And the Gentiles shall see thy righteousness, and all Kings thy glory, and thou shall be called by a new name, which the mouth of the Lord shall name."

Isaiah 62: 2; 63: 19


(See also What it means to be American, "Am-Eri-Ca" below).


It Means



"Covenant Man"!


Where did  the names Britain & America  come from.


The Hebrew word for COVENANT is "BRITH" and the Hebrew word for Man is "ISH" so all men who enter a Covenant with God becomes a BRIT-ISH or covenanted man, not in a RACIAL sense but in a spiritual sense, Although some are Both ( more on this later).  Anyone who knows anything concerning the right of passage to manhood in the Jewish faith will recall that a boy who reaches the age of 13 enters into and takes, what is known as, his Bar Mitzvah or his  "Brit", He makes oaths and promises to God which is witness by the elders of his synagogue. He enters into a covenant with God a two way contract.

Abraham was a Brit-ish as were his predecessors all the way back to Adam, and what is the covenant which Abraham entered into? It was and is the receiving the True Order of the Priesthood by an endowment or Oath and covenant  D&C 84:33-41.


In a Racial sense The British people The tribe of Ephraim and their "company" or "Commonwealth" peoples and her dominions, are receivers of the blessing of the earth and all the rights and privileges given to her. They are the "BRITISH Nationally & Racially" All who become British who are from a different race are adopted into the fold. As with the Commonwealth. These rights and privileges weren't given at once they didn't receive them in one go, No, on the contrary , they had to be earned, bestowed and even fought for. As the scripture states  "For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little:" (Isaiah 28:10)

and also from the book of Mormon in  2 Nephi 28:30.

"For behold, thus saith the Lord God: I will give unto the children of men line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little and there a little; and blessed are those who hearken unto my precepts, and lend an ear unto my counsel, for they shall learn wisdom; for unto him that receiveth I will give more; and from them that shall say, We have enough, from them shall be taken away even that which they have."

However these blessing came, or indeed were poured out  by God at a particular time in history, there was a set date for all these thing to commence & they were all in God's timetable.

Abraham was blessed that he would be the father of a "Great Nation" and that nations name would  even be called Great. No other Nation in the history of the world has had the prefix of Great before it's name than the Nation of GREAT BRITAIN (see Genesis 12:2.) This nation would be a blessing to all the  other nations of the earth. It wasn't until 1801 that Britain became known as "Great Britain" it was the Act of Union that brought this about, England, Scotland, Wales and  Ireland were all part of and known from that time forward as The United Kingdom of Great Britain.

These blessings and privileges were also given to the peoples of America for they too are part of the Birthright, they being Ephraim's brother Manasseh and both forming Joseph of Egypt's double portion blessing.

See being a Born  racial British. in "Jack & the Beanstalk" on the main page.

 What it means

 to be a




Know Who you are

House of Israel

"and ye shall leave your name for a curse unto my chosen (Ancient Judah & Israel) for the lord God shall slay thee and call his servants by another name"

Isaiah 65: 15

"And the Gentiles shall see thy righteousness, and all Kings thy glory, and thou shall be called by a new name, which the mouth of the Lord shall name."



Re: Where did the name America come From

    The People of the united States of America

An interesting fact which arises from the blessing given to Manasseh was that Jacob

 (Israel) stated that (he) Manasseh would become a great "PEOPLE" and shall be "GREAT".(Gen 48:19-20).

Jacob did not use the word "nation" in respect to Manasseh, and this was very prophetic indeed for, America is never referred to as a NATION but alwas the "People" of the United States of America. OF THE PEOPLE, BY THE PEOPLE, FOR THE PEOPLE!- A GREAT PEOPLE!


Many Suggestions have been offered as to the origin of AMERICA. Some historians have suggested it was derived from AMERIGO VESPUCCI (1451-1512).

But the name of America was more divinely inspired, "America" is formed in three syllables: AM-ERI-CA.

It will be remembered that Hosea was instructed by the Lord to give his children certain names(see Hosa Chapter 1). To The firstborn son the name JEZREEL which means "God may scatter" or "GOD may sow". To The second, a daughter, the name LO-RUHAMA which means "Not having obtained mercy" And the third, a son, the name LO-AMMI meaning "Not my people".

Of Course the Names of Hoes's children depicted the sorry state Israel would find herself in, due to her adultery with false gods and disobedience to Gods laws. They would be scattered, and in the scattering the sowing; not having Gods mercy. And being issused a bill of divorcement.

Then in chapter 2 Hosea records the redeemed condition of Israel through the "Door of Hope" of the Lords scarifice and atonement for her transgressions. This redeemed condition is symbolised in the changed names of Hosea's children. The prefix "lo" being dropped.

"Say unto your brethren ammi: and to your sister Ruhamah" Hosea 2:1

Ammi: Meaning now "My People"

Ruhamah: Having obtained mercy.

You will notice that the expressions are NOT MY PEOPLE and MY PEOPLE not as one would expect "MY NATION" or MY KINGDOM". The Shortened version of the word AMMI is AM, which forms the first syllable of AM-ERI-CA.

The centreal syllable "ERI" is pure Hebrew and means "MY WATCHERS". Another form of ERI is URI another Hebrew word meaning "ENLIGHTENED" . The whole meaning: MY ENLIGHTENED PEOPLE or WATCHERS HAVING OBTAINED MERCY. The meaning of the word WATCHER being WATCHMEN, GUARDIANS or CUSTODIANS.

This reference is used extensively throughout the scriptures for those entrusted with a Divine calling on behalf of the Almighty God of Israel.

The CA in AM-ERI-CA is purely a suffix added at a later date.

Israel's New Name

So we find that in the name of AM-ERI and BRIT-ISH are hidden the new names which were given to Israel ( Isaiah 45:4, 62:2 and 65:15-16). MY COVENANT PEOPLE< ENLIGHTENED< WATCHERS< HAVING OBTAINED MERCY- SONS OF ISAAC.