







Little Red Riding Hood

Know Who you are House of Israel

The  Saxon folk tales of the little girl sent of by her mother, ( the angel of the lord) to here grandmothers cottage ,(Britain)  and pursued by the wolf (Rome & latter the NEW ROMAN EMPIRE THE EUROPEAN UNION) is none other than the House of Israel.

Whats the Time Mr Wolf?

7 O' Clock!



What's the Time Mr Wolf ?

Eleven O' Clock !


What's the Time Mr Wolf ?

Four O' Clock !

Whats the Time Mr Wolf ?


In the children's playground game of "what's the time Mr Wolf"

 we hear the echo's from ancient folklore,teaching the generations, of the Anglo-Saxon Celtic peoples, to beware of the wolf!

 I remember well playing this game as a child. We would go round the play ground asking if anyone wanted to play and try to get the whole play ground of children in on it. Someone was chosen or volunteered to be the Wolf.  He would then either stand in the middle  or end of the play ground with his back to about forty or fifty children. They then would creep up on him very slowly, saying "what's the time Mr Wolf" The Wolf would suddenly turn and call out a time of the clock or he could, at any given time and suddenly call out, "Dinner time!" 

He. the Wolf,would chase the band  of children and try to catch someone. Once caught that person became a wolf also with him.

 I remember playing the game, for the first time  when I was about 4 or 5 and it scared the living day lights out of me.

 Of course that's what it  was meant to do that was the whole purpose of that ancient Child's game. to instill with in the British peoples physic a fear of wolves & to beware of wolves dressed in sheep's clothing.

 Any wonder why then Britain  & the British were  always at odds with Rome, from it's  very Empire days to it's Ecclesiastical incarnation  and now to it very latest manifestation as the European Union today.


The Rome Empire was founded on the Myth of Romulus & Remus being Suckled by a she wolf.

The Emblem of the Roman Empire is the Wolf

 When Julius Caesar landed on the British shores he did not stay long as he was seen off by the Ancient Britons. However as we known this would not be the last time that the  Britons would have to keep the wolf  from the door. It wasn't until Emperor Claudius came to power that the  Wolf would get to Little Riding Hoods Grandmothers  cottage before her. He would conquer the ancient Britons, gobble her up, or lock her in the cupboard and set up residence.

It would be some time before Little Red Riding Hood(Saxons,Vikings,Danes) found her way, through the forest, to her Grandmothers cottage. In fact it would be nearly 700 years...........................

 to be continued