



IT's In Our Folklore & Nursery Rhymes


Known Who you Are House of Israel

The nursery rhyme of Jack and Jill is the story of the Ten Tribes of Israel- Jack Jac-ob ( the Northern Kingdom) and Jill-Judah with Benjamin forming the other 2 tribes(the Southern Kingdom).

Jack and Jill went up the hill.

 To fetch a pale of water.

Jack fell down and broke his crown.

And Jill came tumbling after. 


When Moses lead the children of Israel out of Egypt he took them to Mount Sinai,. There he went up the mountain to Fetch the living water of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. (see note at bottom of page). The Lord wanted the Children of Israel to come up as well. Yet they were too afraid.  Nevertheless, the Lord made a Covenant with them through Moses.

On Moses Return From Mount Sinai, The Children of Israel were making some noise, having a rave and worshipping the Idols of Egypt the Golden Calf.

The Kingdom of Israel stayed united for some time under the Judges and their Kings, David & Solomon. Yet Ephraim and Judah were always at odds with each other Ephraim broke away from Judah and formed the Northern Kingdom with ten of the other tribes. Judah with the tribe of Benjamin formed the Southern Kingdom. After some time of Idolatry Ephraim and the other ten tribes (Jack) lost their Kingdom and were taken captive by the Assyrians. (Jack fell down and lost his Crown).

Nearly a Hundred and Fifty years later Judah fell to the Babylonians ( and Jill came tumbling after).


Note: The Gospel of Jesus Christ, The Plan of Salvation or The Great Plan of Happiness.  Has been Taught From the very beginning. Adam and all the dispensation heads and Prophets have always Taught that truth Christ is the Great Jehovah, He is the I AM.