The Dragon and the Beast

The Bible as Evidence

If any of you have an ear, let him hear.”

“The Bible as evidence." Those of you that are Christian, or those of you that may be anti-Christian, or of another religion or none. you may be atheist fundamentalist & think the bible is monstrous, a book to be dismissed or derided. But whoever you are in the English-speaking world, I hope to persuade you to consider that the king James Bible has driven world events [& has told the history & future of Britain], over the last 400 years, often in the most unanticipated ways." And it will yet still be the source of shaping world events.” (Melvin Bragg From his book The BOOK OF BOOKS—radical-impact of the KJB )

Is Britain & are the British people in the Bible? Well the answer to that is yes. Are the events that we are all witnessing today mentioned in the bible? The answer is again yes.

There are in fact over 500 references to Britain & the British people that I know of alone. They are so plain, so understanding, that a child would understand & know of whom it speaks. You would have to be the kind of person to be stood in the midday, looking up at the blazing sun with it beating down on your face and then say that it was night time & I am stood in the dark to deny it.

Is Islam mentioned in the Bible? The answer is again yes. It is not just mentioned it is Blazon into those pages of scripture, so that YOU can not mistake it. It is so clearly stated that you would be a fool not to see it. All these things are there for our benefit, for our learning for our warning for our repentance for our rescue. It is there for you & your children, for you & your families, for you & your country. It is there for me & my family, for me & my country. It is there for your nation & my nation for your people & my people for our nation & our people.

We are not getting out of this alive alive O, singing cockles & mussels. THIS IS IT. This is the very time that we as a people as a nation turn form all our evil doing. It is time for every single one of us. Because if we do not, We will have to pay for the sins of this generation on our heads. & on our heads it will be. This is the stark reality. Gone has the day of trusting in the “arm of flesh,” in the wisdom, council & philosophies of men. Because as you well know all their wisdom, council, philosophies teachings have been utter foolishness & our leaders have lead us to the door of destruction.

We have allowed ourselves to be lied to, on every level of life & we have lapped it up like dogs. We have allowed them to lie too us with their flattering words & because of their flattery we have lied to ourselves, to each other. We have turn a blind eye to truth. And for what? So that they can get power & gain over us. So that we can be slaves to masters of tyranny. So that we can cry out that we are British & free, with deaf & hollow words. Rule Britannia “BRITAIN NEVER NEVER SHALL BE SLAVES.” We have sold our birthright for bread & circuses. We have sold that which is most precious to foreigners & strangers, to a strange people to govern over us. We have betrayed our ancestors our forefathers our for-mothers men & women that gave there all for us, so that we could live in a land safe & free. In an age so that we & our children could live with great knowledge & learning, in an age of great wealth & opportunity, to not only bless our own lives but the lives of our fellows, In an age to teach and inspire & share truth, life & freedom & true freedom at that. But we, all of us have collectively squander those opportunities and blessings. Are we, this generation still going to forsake all these blessings, are we going to allow the BEAST to come and devour our homes to come & make us afraid.

Islam is the Name, Mark, Number & Image of that Beast, spoken of in the Bible, that would rise in the last days. For the name of the Beast, is that of a man & his name is Mohammed. The Mark of the Beast, is the Mark & Badge of Allah. A Mark written & worn on their foreheads or written & worn upon their hand or arms

And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: KJV Rev: 13:16.

No one will be able to buy food or sell it or by water or sell it, they won't be able to get a Job or hire anyone. They won't be able to buy or sell anything unless they have this Name, Mark Image & Number...

And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.” Rev 13: 17.

And the Number of his name IS MUSLIM or they that are numbered as a MUSLUIM. For his number is that of a man & they are the followers of Mohammed the Muslims.

666AD is the year in which the Mohammedan took conquest of Jerusalem & ended the Roman occupation. & the first rising of Islam. They Ruled for 1400 years. & the Beast was wounded. It was wounded by the British in 1917 when Britain took Palestine from them. It was wounded By Britain & France with the League of Nations when the Ottoman Caliphate Empire was dismantled by the treaty of Se'vers & Lasuanne 1923-24.

The Beasts deadly wound healed.” This Beast, Islam the Caliphate is now healed from it's deadly wound We are seeing it rise right before our eyes. (Rev 13: 3.)

Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.” (Rev 13: 18.)

This Beast, Mohammed the Muslim, (of which every true Muslim must emulate), This usurper this so called king & his God Allah.....”shall exalt himself, and magnify himself above every god, and shall speak marvellous things against the God of gods,(Jesus Christ.) and shall prosper till the indignation be accomplished: for that that is determined shall be done.” Daniel 11: 36.

And this Beast Mohammed & the Muslim & their God Allah shall not honour WOMEN they will not regard their rights.

Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers,(The True God of Abraham ,Isaac ) nor the desire of women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all.” Daniel 11:37.

The Muslim the true followers of the false prophet Mohammed & their false god Allah will respect no ones religion or beliefs. No women will be safe.

For it shall be in the last days that many nations will fall the nations of Europe & others. By the sword many will be behead the Christian the non Christian, the TRUE BELIEVER & the non believer The CHRISTIAN SOILDER & those that believe in a different faith, & THE SAINTS OF GOD, all will be put to the SWORD by ISLAM.

And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgement was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.” Rev 20: 4.

Who is it that are doing the BEHEADINGS? Is it the Christians? Is it the Silks? Is it the Buddhists? Is it the Agnostic? Is it the Atheist? No it is not these people,. It is not these people that cry out, “Behead them that insult Mohammed, Behead them that insult Allah. Behead them that insult Islam. Behead them that insult the Muslim. You know who it is .I know who it is. The Governments know who it is. It is the “THE RELIGION OF PEACE.” the ideology & Religion of Islam that do these evils.

For it is by their “Satanic verses” that they do these things It is by the Devil, Satan the Father of lies that they get their power. Below is the scripture from the book of Daniel.

 23”And in the latter time of their kingdom, when the transgressors are come to the full, ( We are the transgressors here. It is us that have turn away from the true law & true God.)

a king of fierce countenance, and UNDERSTANDING DARK SENTENCES, shall stand up. ( Mohammed & the Quran).

24 And his power shall be mighty, but not by his own power: and he shall destroy wonderfully, and shall prosper, and practise, and shall destroy the mighty and the holy people.

25 And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, AND BY PEACE shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes; but he shall be broken without hand.” (Daniel. 8: 23-25.)

Do you not see it Do you not understand it. Is this not pain to your understanding to what is going on here. Do you understand what you, me all of us must do?

WE MUST REPENT (definition:- feel or express sincere regret or remorse about one's wrongdoing or sin. In this case as a nation selling our sovereignty)

This message is to you, you UKIPERS, & PATRIOTS because we must repent, Yes REPENT as individuals as families as communities as a people as a nation. It is you UKIPERS and PATRIOTS that are the more awaken people, It is you as a body of people who can see what is going on, more than most of our fellows. We have a responsibility, a duty a sacred duty to wake up the Nation.

I am not telling any of you to join a religion you have to work that out yourselves. I have my religion I have my faith, if you want to know then you can ask me. No I'm asking you to KEEP THE FAITH, keep the Faith of our Ancestors, Keep the Faith of our country, Keep the Faith of our Nation. The Faith that our Queen has sworn by sacred oath to Defend. And every British Solider Also. That faith is the Christian Faith. That is the Faith of Freedom, that is the Faith of JESUS CHRIST.

Watch this video form the Israeli President. Although he is addressing America this speech also applies to us.


Biblical Evidence to our Awful Situation.

I just want to make it known & clear that I have posted some post than some of you may have found offensive because they have a “Religious” element to them.

Here is my point and explanation of those posts.. Because as you Know that the issues of leaving the EU, are 3 fold. 1,Economical 2. Social/Political. & 3, Religious. And because it is 3 fold it must be fought on all fronts.

The EU has introduced & implement the first 2 They are now working on the 3. element. The Religious & that Religious element will be the introduction of the Islamic Faith & Sharia Law.

Here's the best definition of "Religion" that I have found & know to be true & that is...... "To feed the hungry, to cloth the naked, to comfort the widow & home the Orphan". ..I think under that definition that many of you would argue that it is not, a good & proper definition. How many of you have had your hair cut off? How many of you have dressed up in silly costumes,? How many of you have had freezing water chucked over you? How many of you have gone on Charity runs when you know you can't run? How many of you have put a penny in the poor man's box. The list goes on.

We the British, are under that definition, the true "Religious".. because we with America have given more aid to the poor & needy of the world than most.... but lets not to get big headed about it... but the fact of it is true!

Your belief is your belief, my belief is my belief, that is FREEDOM, that is, among the other 2 elements, what is at stake here, to be able to believe what we want. To be able to do & act as we will, with in the bounds of a Just & honest law. A law that contain Justice & Mercy & Equality & if we don't have it we should all work & seek for it & up hold it. All this is important to me. This is the freedom I seek to defend.

As I have stated the governance of any people must have those 3 major elements to it.. for with out it only chaos will ensue. That is why we see the EU coming apart. The Economical/Social, Political, & Yes, the“Religious” are needed it has always been thus. This is why the American founding fathers wrote “Freedom of Religion” into their Constitution...... So “that Men and Women have the “Freedom” to worship God OR NOT, to the dictates of their own conscience. That “they,” “man & state” must allow that privilege, unhindered to all, & with out persuasion.

The EU will force A Religion upon you just like everything else they have forced upon us.

This is why it is also part of our own government with the Church of England. It is Political. The Arch Bishop, as you know, being appointed by the PM. Our very own Queen is Head of that “Church,” HRH is “Defender of the Faith.” Which is something entirely different.

The desire to “worship” is innate within all human beings, we can't help ourselves we have a longing in our make up to give adoration. Be it our cars, be it our homes, be it cloths, be it film stars or pop stars, etc., etc., etc. These things to most have become our Gods. You know it I know it. That is why Communistic Russia & China couldn't do away with Religion. Though they have tried.

Nevertheless my point is this, that the KJVB “MUST BE CONSIDERED AS EVIDENCE” Because it WARNS, as plain as eggs is eggs of OUR AWFUL SITUATION TO DAY RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW. Not only does it warn us but it gives us the solution to our RESCUE & RECOVER Y & PROTECTION, not just as individuals, but as a NATION AS A WHOLE. All that you have to do is LOOK, yes LOOK it's that simple, LOOK & consider it, LOOK and ponder it LOOK and ask the source of TRUTH IF IT IS TRUE. Some you you will say its all fables, it's just all stories. Some of you will say it's full of contradictions, etc. etc. etc. Yes some of it is as you say. Yes there are corruptions in it Yet there is, contain in those pages of scripture, more TRUTH than you may know. & TRUTH IS TRUTH IS TRUTH, It is independent & stands alone, And so far as those scriptures are concerned & translated correctly I says are the WORD OF GOD, that is my belief & I known it. I'm in titled to that belief. You may not believe it or know it., However if you believe in truth & are a seeker after truth shouldn't you go look for it? No matter where it may be? it is your job to do so. You have to LOOK you have to Dig, you have to find & discover it.

Here for your consideration is a sample of one of those stories in that book, that many of you will know, & be familiar with. It is of a people who couldn't be bothered to LOOK!

Moses in the Sinai desert with the House of Israel. The people were all falling down & dying from some sort of flu. They ask Moses to pray to God & asked him to heal them. Moses was told by “God” to catch a snake & put it on a pole. He then was told to tell the people to LIFT UP THEIR HEADS & EYES & LOOK. That's all, nothing else, Just lift up their heads & eyes & LOOK ON THE SNAKE ON A POPLE, those that did where healed those that said Moses was talking rubbish fell down & died.

All I'm asking you to do is look & consider & ponder the “Bible as Evidence” as to what's happening to day right now. It could very well be that if you don't you could fall down & died or you cold live. The choice is & always has been yours. Do you what to freely chose to live or do you want to be force to died. That is it the line has been drawn in the sand. & the day of that line is the 23rd of June. YOU CHOSE While you still have the choice. Because it very well could be that you will be praying to Allah against your will.

Melvyn Bragg the author & TV Presenter has stated that the King James Bible 1611-2011 [& even up to this very day is“The Book of Books: as he puts it. He says it has had a “Radical Impact” on the history of the English speaking people & the world more than any other book to date. He puts it like this.

“The King James Bible has often been called the Book of Books both in itself and in what it stands for. Since its publication in 1611 it has been the best selling book in the world, and many believe, had the greatest impact. The King James Bible has spread the Protestant faith. It has also been the greatest influence on the enrichment of the English language and its literature. It has been the Bible of wars from the British Civil War in the seventeenth century to the American Civil War two centuries later and it has been carried into battle in innumerable conflicts since then. Its influence on social movements - particularly involving women in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries - and politics was profound. It was crucial to the growth of democracy. It was integral to the abolition of slavery and it defined attitudes to modern science, education and sex. As THE ADVENTURE OF ENGLISH explored the history of our language, so THE BOOK OF BOOKS reveals the extraordinary and still-felt impact of a work created 400 years ago.”

Some of you may say that I am “preaching” well if some of you think I am then you obviously need preaching to.

No I am not preaching, what I am doing is countering & fighting the 3 and finale element of the EU's mandate to introduce a “RELIGIOUS” element into that FEDERATION because with out it they will collapse. So they must have it to survive. Many of you are clued up on the 2 other elements, the Economical/Social & the Political. & do your utmost to fight & counter it. My field is the 3rd element.

But make no bones about it, that Religious element WILL BE introduced & that element is the RELIGION OF ISLAM, & once introduced via Turkey, no one will be able to buy or sell or get a job or hire a person or go to a theatre or really anything. You see them buying everything up round about you even to this very day. No business will be able to operate unless you yield to ALLAH.

This is a reason why we must Vote to leave the EU. So many of my post will be with regard to this.

Please don't take offence. I will endeavour to present my evidence in a way that is not preachy. Thanks for reading.

Reply from...Maria June Williams Thanks Tony for this important, timely and relevant post. We are at that stage in world history as the bible has predicted. People need to open the eyes to the reality of our situation. We are being forced to accept and obey a culture and a religion which is so alien to ours, and most are horrified because it is an archaic barbaric ideology. Is this being imposed by the EU well I d say so, the foreign minister to the EU Federica Mogherini is quoted as saying that Islam does have a part to play in EU politics, in other words, radical Islam is part of our western civilisation. This is not just about multiculturalism or diversity its reaches so much further. I am not quite sure what the reason is I can only think that the powers that be are intent on destablising the whole of Europe by introducing shariah law and more migration, in the wake of which there will definitely be civil unrest and loss of life, in this way the NWO will be able to impose marital law, loss of liberty and control of nation states, into a federal superstate of Europe and ultimately a one world government, order, culture,currency, religion etc. Its already on the cards and we see the gradual progress going on. I feel we are a bit like Moses, again, who when he led the Hebrews out of Egypt was pursued by Pharaoh with all his armies, they had the open sea in front of them on the left and right were the mountains and desert and behind them were the armies of Egypt waiting to destroy them. I believe we will very soon come to this . What was the final outcome, God opened the sea before them making a way where there was no way, and Pharaoh and his armies were destroyed in the depths of the sea ...................