
Snow White

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Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs


The story of the lost House of Israel


Jesus Christ Triumphant

Story of Prophecy

Fulfilled in our Day

The originator of the folklore stories capture the whole story of the book of Revelation in the tale of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

"Come now and let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be white as snow; though they be red like crimson,  they shall be as wool".


Isaiah 1: 18

 Babylon, Mother of Harlots and its counterpart of Rome and today the European Union.

The New Roman Empire




 Snow White in the Forest. Snow White represents The British peoples. 

Israel's Wilderness period of correction




The little cottage in the forest which snow White discovered.

England or the Islands of Britain




The Seven dwarfs

The Seven Angles



The Seven Candle Sticks used by the dwarfs to light the cottage -

The True Church of Jesus Christ. 

The seven beds in the cottage which Snow White tried.

The Seven Times of Israel's punishment or period of correction for breaking her vow's to her husband. A period of 2,520 years from 721 BC  to 1800 AD

The Seventh bed is where Snow-white was able to Settle & relax 

This is when the Israel people get their New Name!

And that name is GREAT BRITAIN  "And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing:" Genesis 12:2

  In this, the last of the seven beds, which suited Snow White.

Seven, being the number of Spiritual Perfection.

Israel's redemption and reconciliation with her God in her island cottage home after her period of correction were completed in 1800 AD. This is where Great Britain becomes a light to the nations. 

 And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed. Genesis 12:3

Britain prospered for over a hundred years until she is set on by greedy, envious, & jealous enemies. In fact, Great Britain through her history was set upon many times.

What follows is an outline of those attacks.

1. The Queen: Who disguised herself as an old peddler woman. This was:-

Rome: Disguised as the true church. Who sold Snow White some laces for her stay?  And who assisted Snow White to lace up her stay, and pulled it so tight Snow White passed out and was left for dead. But was revived by the seven dwarfs (Hosea 6: 1-2).

This also incorporates the story of Little Red Riding Hood  & the wolf dressed in sheep's clothing. This is where the Roman Church infiltrates Celtic Britain & the Celtic Christian Church. see Celtic Christianity 

2.The Queen: Who disguised herself as a farmer's wife and sold Snow White a poisoned comb.

Rome: Ecclesiastical Babylon the Great full of poison and false doctrines.

The poisoned comb. Snow White's hair represents Israel's spiritual strength, which Rome attempted to destroy through its power and doctrines. And the attempted subjugation by the use of force by Spain's Armada and Napoleon the Kaiser, and Hitler. These attempts failed, so a third attempt was made.

 3. This third attempt would be the most deadliest. The onslaught of the EUROPEAN UNION

The Poisoned Red Apple and the piece that stuck in Snow White's throat was again Rome. or the Treaty of Rome and its doctrines which seemed to cause the death of Snow White. Great Britain. 

This poison would be taken in 3 bites first bite ECONOMICAL Second bite SOCIAL/POLITICAL And the 3rd bite would be the total loss of sovereignty this would be the Lisbon Treaty in its fullness



 (Israel /Britain), for which the seven Dwarfs could not find a cure, and Snow White was placed in a glass coffin and taken to a hilltop, where she lay for years and years until the piece of poisoned apple was jolted out when she was found by her prince.









The Prince & Snow White

The Groom & His Bride.

Jesus Christ & the Whole House of Israel


 And they Lived Happily Ever After.