The Banner of Christ













Lee Rigby  The  Drummer Boy Slain on the  Streets of  London as He was Returning back to his Barracks. 

Slain By Islamic Terrorists. 

On the afternoon of 22 May 2013.



Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.







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Onward Christian Soldiers

Come, my brethren! Take courage and stand beneath our banner! The darkness closes in, and we are the only true defenders of the Light! March to victory and arise triumphantly!









And every day there after

Christ's Flag.

The Celtic / Saxon flags with their upright and diagonal crosses

are the flags of the ten "lost" tribes of Israel; of which the Union

of Jack|ob / Israel's flag is Christ's own personal flag, just

as the British Throne Jack|ob's Pillar / Bethel / the Lia Fail /

Stone of Destiny is shortly to become Christ's Throne.



This fact about Christ's flag is confirmed in Holy Scripture in Genesis 49:10 "The sceptre (sovereignty) shall not depart from Judah [to Joseph], nor a law-giver from between his feet, UNTIL Shiloh (Christ) comes [from Joseph-Ephraim v 22-24 & 48:16-19]; and unto him [shall] the gathering (Union) of the people (of Jackob / Israel) [be]."

Surely, to despise such a heritage as God and Christ's flag and protection is the greatest folly of all time. It is worse, for even if this generation cares nothing for it themselves, by what right do they take it from their children and their children's children?

It should be considered carefully that by this action Ireland, like Canada; South Africa and others (as some Australians are now proposing to do); has rejected Christ; insulted God and lost God's covering shield by which He marks and protects His own people.

That God does, at times, put a protective mark on His Own is definitely stated in the 9th chapter of Ezekiel. There we see that just before the destruction of ancient Jerusalem and its people by the Babylonians in 588 B.C., God sent an angel to put a mark on the forehead of all those including His Prophet Jeremiah (buried in Cairn T at Loughcrew, Co. Meath) and His Chosen Seed Teia Tephi (buried in a secret tomb in the Hill of Tara), who, despite the prevailing wickedness, had remained faithful to Him so that Tephi was brought to Ireland by Jeremiah and became the queen of Ireland, on the 21st of June in 583 B.C. The purpose of this mark was to ensure that they would not be harmed in the coming slaughter of the City's inhabitants. Thus the command to those in control of the attackers was "Smite . . . but come not near any upon whom is the mark."

This raises a most interesting question. What was this protective mark that the angel put on the foreheads of those who were to be saved from the coming destruction? The command, as it appears in our Bible is "Set a mark", but the literal translation is "Mark a mark". In the Hebrew usage of that day, this mark would be a "tau", the last letter of the alphabet and so, what in English is "Mark a mark" in Hebrew would be "Tau a tau".

In the original Hebrew alphabet this letter "tau" appears as an upright cross + and, consequently, as the only possible way to "tau a tau", or "cross a cross", is to put one cross diagonally over the other, we see that the protective mark placed on the foreheads of those to be saved from the destruction of ancient Jerusalem must have been identical with the crossed cross of the Celtic / Israelite flags of Northern Spain, Britannia's Shield and Christ's flag the Union Jack.

It is also interesting with this in mind to observe what Christ said to the four angels who are to punish the inhabitants of the Earth in the Apocalypse / Revelation and see the similarity between then and the very near future:-

Apocalypse / Revelation 7:1 And after these things I saw four angels standing on the four corners of the Earth, holding the four winds of the Earth, that the wind should not blow on the earth, nor on the sea, nor on any tree.

7:2 And I saw another angel ascending from the East, having the seal of the Living God: and he cried with a loud voice to the four angels, to whom it was given to hurt the earth and the sea,

7:3 Saying, Hurt not the earth, neither the sea, nor the trees, till we have sealed the servants of our God in their foreheads.

As this crossed cross was the mark or covering by which God protected His Own in that day, is it just a coincidence that under that same mark the British nation has remained unconquered and free for almost 3000 years? Even the Romans, with the military might of the whole known world at their command, were never able to establish themselves in Ireland and more than a part of what is now England, and even this they held by treaty and not by conquest. Caradoc (Caractacus) was betrayed not conquered.

With this in mind, let us now consider the statement made by the Lord as recorded in the Book of Revelation / Apocalypse where, in referring to Himself He says: "I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the First and the Last". The significance of this is that alpha and omega are the first and the last letters in the alphabet of the Greek language in which the New Covenant / Testament was written, and by using them as a name for Himself the Lord is emphasizing His identity with the One eternal and everlasting God, the First and the Last of all things.

In the Apocalypse / Revelation, chapters 17 and 18, Christ also warned His Own people to come out of the Babylonian Market-system and Church built on seven mountains that He has sworn to destroy, so His Own people shall not be partakers of her plagues and punishment.

Apocalypse / Revelation 18:4 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, COME OUT of her, MY people, that ye take not part in her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues (punishment). For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her inequities.

Yet the use of the first and the last letters of the alphabet to express the name of God is far older than the Lord's use of it in the Book of Revelation / Apocalypse. In the Old Covenant / Testament we often find God referring to Himself as "the First and the Last" and, from the time of Noah, and probably from the time of Enoch, this concept of God as the Eternal One was symbolised by a monogram formed of the first and the last letters of the ancient Hebrew alphabet.

These two letters are "aleph" and "tau", and in the original Hebrew alphabet aleph appears as a diagonal cross x and tau as an upright cross +. Thus, when combined as a symbol to express the idea of the Eternal God, they would appear like the protective mark referred to above, which is identical with the crossed cross of Britannia's shield (shown below); the flags of the Celtic / Israelites in Northern Spain and Christ's flag the Union Jack.


Picture of Britannia

(Britannia symbolises the ancient sixth century B.C.

"War Queen of Ireland" - queen Teia Tephi holding

the Olive from Jerusalem and the Trident she took from

Neptune's Porch [Gibraltar] on her way to Ireland)


The Union of Jack|ob Flag


And so, in humble and reverent awe, perhaps you will come to the wondrous realisation that the Union Jack, in addition to being Christ's own personal flag and the protective mark which God places on His Own people, is actually the symbolic monogram or name of God Himself. Shielded by that name, a nation is safe from destruction under God's promise "No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper" (Isa. 54:17), whilst they serve Him. And it is this symbol of God's Name and Protection whichIreland; Canada and South Africa have now discarded as their national emblem.

In thinking of this, we should never forget that twice within this century the Forces of Evil set out to conquer and enslave the world and that, despite tremendous military power, they failed primarily because the British Celto-Saxon Nations, united under the symbol of God's Name and in allegiance to His Throne, were able to act instantly and as one in opposing them. Obviously then, as they prepare for another and far greater attempt, we must expect that the Forces of Evil are doing everything in their power to see that that unity and symbol does not stand in their way again.

Could it be then that this is why these Israelite nations rejected Christ's flag, the Union Jack; that as they prepare for this great and final attempt to conquer the world, the Forces of Evil have been able to exert enough influence in Ireland; Canada and South Africa to bring about the rejection of the symbol of that unity which has defended them so often in the past? And will the Throne; Jacob's Pillar - the Lia Fail / Stone of Destiny be next?

In any event, the enormous folly of this action is clearly evident in the ominous trend of world events. Today, as never before in all history, the world is filled with turmoil; trouble; strife; genocide; destruction of the environment with the climatic changes it has caused, and when these conditions are studied in the Light of Bible Prophecy, there can be no doubt that we are rapidly approaching that great and final struggle between the Forces of Good and of Evil, commonly called Armageddon.

The reality of this danger becomes even more evident when we recognise that the Celto-Saxon peoples are the continuation of God's servant race and nation Israel (the ten "lost" tribes), and that, consequently, it is both our duty and our destiny to defend the Right, and to act as His battle-axe and weapons of war in opposing the Forces of Evil (Jeremiah 51:20). This has been our inescapable role all through the ages and especially so in modern times when, twice within this century, the Forces of Evil failed to conquer the world because God used the nations of Celto-Saxondom to defeat them.

But what of the next time without God's Protection because the Celto-Saxon race has entered the "Time of Jacob's Trouble" and is going to be severely punished; by defeat and slavery to the Forces of Evil because you have never kept The Covenant that you made with God, under which He guaranteed your protection? Some even having rejected His flag. JAH

The symbol of the pre-Yesu Druidic faith was also the crossed-cross of Britannia's shield.

Now please read my "Celts are Israelites Under Another Name" and "Signs of The End Times" articles on this website. JAH.