

With the Stars, Moon and Sun under her feet, The British Use to say that the Sun never sets on the British Empire,  The God of Abraham declared that the sun will never set on the House of Israel so long as the Sun, Moon and Stars be.

The Lord set it as a witness in the Heavens that Israel would endure forever, "for they are my covenant people". 

Yet they have dimmed quite a lot on Ephraim.

The image you see here of Britannia holding up the twelve gold stars which represent the 12 tribes of Israel or the Union of Jacob, are meant to be a light to the World yet that light is very dimmed now represented by the dark mist.

The Shield with the Union Jack (Jack-ob) Shows the English Flag, (the banner of Christ), bleeding. This representing the blood that the Jesus spilt, in the garden of Gethsemane and later on the cross.